(1) But his barbecued pork chow is a great big sloppy yummy concoction.
(2) Meticulous on the one hand, but unbelievably sloppy and careless on the other.
(3) Either way, it's entertaining, even though Blumenthal is sometimes sloppy with his facts.
(4) I was in my sloppy clothes that I wear at home only.
(5) Sharp lawyers dress very sharp, and their shoes always shine, while sloppy lawyers dress accordingly and their shoes are usually in a mess as well.
(6) Her long hair was pulled back, and she wore a sloppy sweatshirt over clashing baggy sweatpants.
(7) Retreating to the mud slope, we set to work with the sloppy mud.
(8) Yesterday was the first time I've ever seen Kris wear shorts and a tank top, because he usually just isn't that sloppy .
(9) It's true that people get signed on the strength of some pretty ropey demos but you have to think about why you would want to expend the effort of being in a band and then showcase your sound in such a sloppy careless way.
(10) This point was well made when the woman next to me spilt some of her sloppy pasta sauce on to the floor and it almost hit me.
(11) The point here is to challenge the media's effort to turn Judge Jones into something he's not in order to defend a biased and sloppy ruling.
(12) If the love of God were as sloppy and sentimental and subjective as our own, we could never count on him to be consistent in anything.
(13) She said: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510He knew what he wanted and it was not sloppy , soft food, but it was explained to him that he had been put on it for his own good.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(14) There are too many amateurs out there writing sloppy code.
(15) He had even managed to make the school uniform look sloppy .
(16) I was going to write about a couple of more films tonight, but I'm fading fast and my prose is getting a little sloppy and sentimental.
(17) She was pacing back and forth in the dense sloppy snow that was left over from the storm two weeks before.
(18) The environment is gradually being ruined by sloppy and haphazard planning.
(19) It's quite a mysterious, sloppy dish, you can't really see what you are eating, you just have to trust the taste combination.
(20) In a culture as sloppy with sentiment and theologically illiterate as ours, it's a dangerous thing to spend much time speculating about.