(1) Causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide
(2) Being such as to cause things to slip or slide
(1) We were very shocked when we arrived I have no idea how he managed to stay up there because the roof was damp and very slippy .
(2) All of which was a tad harsh on his players after a sodden day's play, so soft and slippy as to be an unreliable indicator of the teams' prospects in the months ahead.
(3) As I have said in recent weeks, this is an accident waiting to happen and the recent rain has made the ground slippy and dangerous for even the nimblest of people.
(4) Of course, sometimes a slippy surface has its advantages.
(5) Only the main trunk roads had been gritted, meaning anyone using other routes had to contend with icy and slippy surfaces that offered little grip.
(6) Conditions were so slippy some players wore basketball shoes, yet all three scored in a 4-1 victory.
(7) The rain made conditions underfoot rather slippy , but that did not seem to deter the hundreds of children who participated in the various events all afternoon.
(8) The slippy grass led many of the runners to slide down the fell on their backsides rather than attempt to negotiate the seriously steep incline on two feet.
(9) The postmen, despite a very heavy post were delighted with the pleasure of such good weather, no rain, no slippy roads, and no delays.
(10) Some natural floor coverings are unsuitable for stairs as they can become polished and slippy with use.
(11) He told the Gazette: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It was a bit misty on top, a bit boggy and the rocks were a bit slippy as well, but the mist cleared.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) I have complained to the council time and time again about the street, which has a cobbled surface and gets dangerously slippy when it's wet.
(13) Despite the driving rain and the slippy under-foot conditions, both teams severed up some fine passages of play.
(14) Sharpe took the lead on the climb and took it easy on the descent where the slates through the quarry were described as being u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510really slippy .u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(15) It's actually hosted above the pub in a black cavernous room, thick with cigarettes and slippy with cider, or sticky with cider, I can't decide which.
(16) The freezing conditions on Saturday were tough for the two teams as heavy rain fell for spells making the surface very wet and slippy .
(17) A stone travelling more slowly can be made to go further with the assistance of your team mates, sweeping vigorously just in front of its path, warming the ice and making it more slippy .
(18) I am very unsteady on my feet in slippy weather, all be it I am only in my mid 50s, perhaps because I come from a flat area of the country and am not used to negotiating slopes in icy weather.
(19) Competition was keen as the youngsters negotiated the testing courses that easily cut up following heavy overnight rain and made for slippy underfoot conditions.
(20) But we are still trying to play on the courts and in this weather it gets very slippy and can be quite lethal to play on.