সরু, লিক্লিকে, পাতলা, তন্বী, সামান্য, অনুদেহী, অত্যল্প, রোগা গড়নযুক্ত
(1) Being of delicate or slender build,very narrow,having little width in proportion to the length or height,small in quantity,gracefully slender,moving and bending with ease,thin
(2) Being of delicate or slender build
(3) Very narrow
(4) Having little width in proportion to the length or height
(5) Small in quantity
(6) Gracefully slender
(7) Moving and bending with ease
(8) Thin
(1) By a slender majority of four to three, the High Court bought the argument.
(2) When the soldiers' lights fall on their slender bodies, they seem almost ethereal.
(3) This feline image was enhanced by her painted nails and thin slender body.
(4) This is, admittedly, slender evidence on which to base general conclusions.
(5) Their long and slender stems glowed white in the blue shadows cast by the petal canopy above.
(6) In fact, the evidence for them ever existing is very slender compared to that for Jesus.
(7) The US House of Congress, which holds a slender Republican majority, will decide which slate of electors to accept.
(8) They have slender and graceful bodies supported by very thin and long legs.
(9) The first rib may be shorter than usual, slender and connected with the second costal cartilage.
(10) On this platform he won the 1996 election, albeit with a slender majority.
(11) My previously lost fighting instincts return as I line up my sights on his slender fighter's body.
(12) Matthew saw a youth then, standing against the slender trunk of a light brown tree.
(13) It took his season tally to 161 wins, a slender four ahead of his rival for the champion jockey title.
(14) Approaching the bird, anger turned to curiosity at seeming small green leaves sprouting from a slender twig.
(15) I leaned my slender body to the side, resting the luggage on the pale tile floor.
(16) Labour has a slender two-seat majority on the council and is defending eleven of the 20 seats up for grabs.
(17) Despite slender evidence when tried at the Queen's Bench, he was indicted, convicted, and hanged.
(18) Whether the incident happened at all, or as relayed in the anecdote, it is a slender confection to link this to the party's victory.
(19) The slender girders, electrical cables and insulators look as if they had just come out of a package.
(20) Light spilled in from the hall, framing his slender body and giving him a well-deserved halo of gold.