বৃহদাকার শঙ্বিশেষ
(1) Gull-like jaeger of northern seas
(1) The walk would be about seven kilometers as the skua flies from our base camp to the top of Gorgon's Head.
(2) A recent study found that a five per cent increase of birds in the skua diet would result in an annual loss of thousands of other seabirds.
(3) We were quite low on food, and our depot was about twelve kilometers away as the skua flies.
(4) One species bucked the general trend: the south polar skua , which hunts mainly penguin chicks and eggs.
(5) Votier says he's seen a skua catch a bird and hold it underwater to drown it.
(6) We had a week of short walks, drawing, filming and photography with snow petrels and gawky looking skua birds as our neighbours.
(7) A third of the world's arctic skuas , big fierce birds nicknamed Bonxies, nest on the great hills of the island.
(8) Beautiful weather, magnificent scenery and almost tame Arctic skuas make this a memorable excursion.
(9) In other parts of the world, jaegers are known as skuas .
(10) Similar anomalous patterns have been discovered in the skuas (Stercorariidae).
(11) They concluded that reversed size dimorphism in skuas and jaegers was not attributable to breeding role specialization.
(12) Set in Antarctica, it has no human characters but focuses on the natural environment of the frozen continent, especially penguins and skuas .
(13) Only a few runts, chicks whose parents had perhaps fallen prey to a toothy leopard seal, are left behind to feed the skuas .
(14) Victims of egg-plundering skuas , which resemble large rapacious gulls, squawk indignantly.
(15) The abundance of gulls, terns, skuas , guillemots and puffins has long been a prime tourist attraction, as well as of global wildlife significance.
(16) One potential explanation - that choice of mates for female skuas at this colony is more limited - can probably be discounted.
(17) Perhaps hobbies follow prey south to tropical Africa in the same manner that skuas follow terns.
(18) And then the slow decline would set in, and then little Foula would be abandoned to the squabbling skuas and the wheeling puffins.
(19) The working theory is that tourists scare off the predatory skuas .
(20) If you are visiting Ocean City, take a birdwatching trip on a charter boat to see shearwaters, skuas , Wilson's storm-petrels, and Atlantic puffins.