(1) It's my own sin , my own fault and I just want to say I'm sorry.
(2) Likewise for some Christian thinkers today, greed can mask an even greater sin; the sin of idolatry.
(3) They are being met with indifference or active hostility because they have committed the unforgivable sin of cooperating with the Americans.
(4) If we take RBC seriously, the sin of totalitarian nations who restrict people's movements lies simply in not being imaginative enough.
(5) Isaiah assures us that God u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510blots outu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb our transgressions and forgets our sin .
(6) Unlike some, I don't consider it an unforgivable sin to be a social conservative.
(7) The transcriptions themselves reveal people who claim Jesus as their Savior who redeems them from Satan and the sin of the world they know.
(8) The human capacity for sin
(9) A sin in the eyes of God
(10) Aside from an entertaining opening sequence, the only new ground that this film covers is when it commits the unforgivable sin of revising one of Milne's past stories.
(11) And gambling is no longer a serious sin when it is virtual money you win and lose.
(12) The divine strategy for defeating sin , evil and death is fulfilled in suffering love.
(13) It's faux news for a slow day, not even a slow day but a slow hour, which in cable apparently is an unforgivable sin .
(14) He promised a saviour who would carry the sin , selfishness, unbelief, disease, grief, sorrow and fear of death on Himself and Destroy that fear, for Good.
(15) The sages say that this sin, the rejection of the Land of Israel, was in some ways more grievous than the sin of worshipping the Golden Calf.
(16) Cole fears that his supernatural abilities themselves are a sin, and Malcolm's sin is the classic sin of unbelief.
(17) It tells people to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510hate the sin but love the sinneru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, knowing full well that this flies in the face of human nature.
(18) We now live in, and scientists study, a creation damaged by human sin and divine judgment.
(19) Wronging a woman is the unforgivable sin in Holmes's book.
(20) As expected, there is a transferral of hatred from the sin to the sinner.