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English to Bangla Meaning of simply - কেবল




কেবল, সহজভাবে, মাত্র, সাদাসিধাভাবে, পুরাপুরিভাবে, বৈশিষ্ট্যহীনভাবে, সম্পূর্ণভাবে

Definitions of simply in English


(1) And nothing more,absolutely,plainly,clearly,merely,completely

(2) And nothing more

(3) Absolutely

(4) Plainly

(5) Clearly

(6) Merely

(7) Completely

Examples of simply in English

(1) The suggestion that she only rubs shoulders with the rich and famous is simply not true.

(2) It is, quite simply , one of the best ever role-playing games created on any platform.

(3) He pointed out simply and clearly that she had been a great player - and that she still was.

(4) It is simply not true that young people are unwilling to volunteer, she added.

(5) The situation can be seen more clearly and simply , though, in a way that is more helpful to you and to others.

(6) This is not a fitness issue but instead is quite simply down to how certain people handle intense heat.

(7) To put it quite simply , how can we have a bomber or bombers in the absence of a bomb?

(8) At the heart of the disputes was quite simply the principle upon which power should rest.

(9) We didn't have much of a chance quite simply because the car was not quick enough.

(10) Quite simply, some things have to be taught

(11) If you'd like to have your say, simply go to our guestbook and tell us what you think.

(12) Less intelligent creatures would simply sit and wait for the weather to improve.

(13) I simply can't believe it

(14) It would be quite cruel of you to simply leave your dearest friends in the lurch in that manner!

(15) Speaking simply and from the heart

(16) That's simply not true

(17) Quite simply , Stewartry were guilty of far too many unforced errors in the initial stages.

(18) All three leads are simply stellar in their roles and the interactions ring absolutely true.

(19) Now, if something on television offends you, you can simply watch something else.

(20) There is simply insufficient evidence before me as to the true cause of the failure of Wines.

synonyms of simply






without doubt



Antonyms of simply




TV series example of the word

simply enjoys being worshiped.�

Money Heist Season 3, Episode 5

simply enjoys being worshiped.

-or simply nothing?\N-Spare me the speech, will you?�

Money Heist Season 1, Episode 5

-or simply nothing?\N-Spare me the speech, will you?

I'm not playing favorites.
She's simply not ready.

Westworld Season 2, Episode 2

I'm not playing favorites. She's simply not ready.

There is simply no...

Westworld Season 2, Episode 2

There is simply no...

I didn't ask him to be my Hand
simply because he was good.

Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2

I didn't ask him to be my Hand simply because he was good.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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