(1) But crabs and other animals that periodically shed their hard shells, or exoskeletons, face just such a predicament.
(2) The frost would take over and every shiny orange leaf would be shed from those trees.
(3) That could allow it to shed jobs without adding to its fixed costs.
(4) Cheap brushes are a huge headache mainly because they shed hair and lose their shape quicker than quality brushes.
(5) In female pattern hair loss, when the affected hair is shed , the root grows one in its place that is shorter.
(6) He quickly shed his clothes and climbed gratefully into a bed that hadn't been used in too long, turning on his side so his back was to the darkened glass.
(7) A shed is required for the three shunt engines
(8) He has applied to the council for planning permission for a machinery shed at Church Avenue, Stradbally.
(9) Australia is the place where the trees don't shed their leaves, they shed their bark, and some mammals lay eggs.
(10) I wanted to shed everything, and I shed the hair as well.
(11) In contrast, willows and poplars shed living twigs.
(12) I donned an apron and she shed her blond hair all over it.
(13) Jess just nodded again and took off down the path in the direction of the machinery shed .
(14) The full moon shed a watery light on the scene
(16) When a horwath tree shed its leaves, the leaves fell to the ground, and were extremely soft and fluffy.
(17) What they lacked was a willingness to shed the arrogance of the past
(18) A shed is required for the three engines
(19) This drew us past a shed full of equally ancient, rusting machines, and through the mine entrance.
(20) She shed her clothes and pulled on the catsuit.