রক্তবিষণ, রক্তদূষণ
(1) Invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection
(1) Autopsy figures show we die from cancer, heart disease, pneumonia and septicemia and pulmonary emboli in that order.
(2) Now health chiefs are considering whether a further jab which fights bacterial meningitis, septicemia and pneumonia could save lives.
(3) Complications such as cellulitis, lymphangitis, and septicemia are rare and result from spread of the infection.
(4) He was admitted to hospital, where he was found to be suffering from pneumonia, a congenital heart disease and septicemia .
(5) In this case, the additional identification of bacterial DNA suggests septicemia , with pathogenic bacteria presumably originating from the gastrointestinal tract.
(6) These children could be suffering from illnesses including meningitis, septicemia or a physical injury.
(7) The association of acute splenitis with septicemia described in standard pathology texts is called into question.
(8) Gastrointestinal anthrax is characterized by severe abdominal pain followed by fever and signs of septicemia .
(9) Get rid of the bacteria, and your septicemia goes with them.
(10) Obesity and inactivity kill 26,000 Americans a year, making them less lethal than relatively unknown diseases such as nephritis and septicemia .
(11) In this paper we review the microbiological, clinical and epidemiological observations in patients with septicaemic melioidosis, confirmed by the isolation of organisms from blood culture.
(12) He had developed erysipelas at the site of a mosquito bite, which resulted in septicaemia and pneumonia.
(13) In patients with superimposed bacterial infection, septicaemia develops and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
(14) Person-to-person spread of bubonic or septicemic plague does not occur; however, pneumonic plague is highly contagious.
(15) The toxins produced by many of the bacteria that cause septicaemia can severely damage any of the cells of the body.
(16) A more tell-tale sign is the septicaemic rash, which starts as a cluster of tiny blood spots resembling pin-pricks in the skin.
(17) In humans, plague occurs in three forms: bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicemic plague.
(18) The Foundation fights death and disability from meningitis and septicaemia and supports people affected by the diseases.
(19) It may present as a localised infection or involve a single organ or as generalised septicaemia .
(20) In the northern region of Thailand melioidosis is the commonest form of septicaemic illness.
blood poisoning