(1) They give no quarter to religion, received opinion, stumbling politicians, TV networks or sensible diets.
(2) And the chefs, brawling in an empty kitchen, will be ignored by sensible people who will eat and enjoy the sandwich, blasphemous ingredients and all.
(3) Meanwhile the big publishers and the big retailers probably won't disappear, any more than the local supermarket will close if a few sensible people go to the farmers' market.
(4) In such a situation, what do sensible people do?
(5) It is not even sufficient for perceiving merely sensible qualities such as colours and shapes.
(6) Did they put a face on their activism, so people could see that the person behind the keyboard was a normal, likable, and downright sensible person?
(7) If spending on this scale is sensible , its wisdom ought to be demonstrable.
(8) That marked the transition to sensible , practical footwear but she still had to have her swan song.
(9) Vice is like suffering: each individual instance of it is regrettable, but what sensible person would wish to eliminate it altogether?
(10) Next she will be saying she is sensible and sane.
(11) Marrying the two in a mutually beneficial collaboration seems a sensible solution and unlike most marriages, it needn't be expensive.
(12) This is a sensible development which will benefit broadcasters and producers alike.
(13) But I do know sensible people who are far, far more optimistic.
(14) But even if this is true, it's still sensible and prudent not to base our plans on the rosiest of possible outcomes.
(15) And even if it did, our mind's ability to perceive what is sensible would not necessarily be accurate.
(16) Drivers are more likely to respect a sensible approach to road safety such as locally controlled temporary limits, as used successfully by a number of other councils around the country.
(17) I felt like a 29 year old kid in a rather sensible sweet shop, buying all the things I've wanted for weeks but done without.
(18) I don't know Michael, Claudia, or Fred from the Fraser Institute although I'm sure that they're very sensible people.
(19) Mr Justice Smyth said he felt the plaintiff was adopting a prudent and sensible approach to the matter and he would approve the settlement.
(20) Emma is a sensible person who likes to read the end of a story to decide if she should bother reading the entire book - if she doesn't like the ending, she figures, why read it at all?