TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 18
soda jerks and segregation anymore.
(1) (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes,a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups,the act of segregating or sequestering,separation
(2) (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes
(3) A social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups
(4) The act of segregating or sequestering
(5) Separation
(1) The segregation of communities was imposed through racist housing practices by local authorities and estate agents.
(2) All except the most rabid racists considered racial segregation immoral and indefensible.
(3) Perhaps most striking is King's seething anger over the indignities of segregation .
(4) An official policy of racial segregation
(5) Meiotic chromosome segregation is initiated when tension signals the bipolar attachment of microtubules to each homolog pair.
(6) Strict gender segregation is sanctioned by the state and society.
(7) The Roberts case led to the first law abolishing racial segregation in the nation.
(8) In other words, he favored continuing discrimination and racial segregation .
(9) The segregation of pupils with learning difficulties
(10) The Harvard study also identifies the importance of the relationship between racial segregation and poverty.
(11) Without progressive leadership, would segregation have been outlawed?
(12) Apartheid enforced the oppressive dominance of a white European elite through segregation along purely racial lines.
(13) Blacks could escape the stigma of racial segregation enforced on southern railroads and buses.
(14) In many large suburban districts, rapid racial change and spreading segregation are occurring.
(15) Both are oil towns with amazingly strict class segregation .
(16) This meant that states - especially in the South - would no longer be able to justify laws which enforced segregation along racial lines.
(17) The commonly held meaning of apartheid is a regime of government that enshrines racial segregation in law.
(18) As those who could afford to left, racial segregation in the area worsened.
(19) For analysis of interference and map distances, all tetrads showing non-Mendelian segregation of any markers were excluded from analysis.
(20) By the mid-1950s it seemed segregation in the South would last for decades.
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 18
soda jerks and segregation anymore.