(1) The US quickly stepped in to scotch any such plan.
(2) Even meditation hasn't managed to scotch his burning desire for fame, glamour and u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510loads of moneyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(3) Communicate frankly and regularly with your people; scotch wild stories before they get started.
(4) He is anxious to continue to represent Laois in the Du00d4u00f6u00a3u251cu00a1il, and tries to scotch the widely held view that he is a shoo-in for a seat.
(6) Scotch with your knife the back of the Carp
(7) Shortly afterwards, I saw the same man on television pronouncing that the leader's brilliant speech would scotch the conspirators.
(8) He scotched all such fears with a breezy and fluent effort.
(9) So there was a possibility that Italy could even tilt the balance in the final, but Brazil scotched all hopes with an excellent display.
(10) The high command had decided to launch the invasion on the 5th of June, but bad weather had scotched that date.
(11) The old charisma is back and all those rumours of flab injections can be scotched once and for all - until the next time.
(12) History teaches us that unless these pernicious tendencies are scotched , they grow to become unmanageable monsters later on.
(13) Credit rating agency Standard and Poors has scotched claims that the economy has bottomed out and recovery is imminent.
(14) Rumours of a publicity ruse have not entirely been scotched .
(15) It was because of this settlement that my original article was eventually scotched - there being no further story to write.
(16) However, a recent article scotches this by putting the position of UK manufacturing in context.
(17) The EU has scotched the name the company had planned for the unbundled versions of its operating system that it must ship in Europe as result of last year's antitrust decree.
(18) The government should have scotched this one immediately or announced the appointment.
(19) The journalist suggests that his investigation may have been what scotched the Kerik nomination.
(20) The records showed his plan had been scotched by a hail of objections from all four of our adjoining neighbours - plus, it seemed, one other mystery objector.