সাম্প্রদায়িকতাপ্রি় ব্যক্তি
(1) Of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism
(1) Separatist
(1) Thus, the schismatic group was not necessarily heretical.
(2) Opposition to control by an Irish-American Catholic hierarchy gave rise to bitter conflicts and even a schismatic Polish National Catholic Church.
(3) This led church councils to impose their collective authority over unacceptable and (in this case) schismatic popes.
(4) The schismatic group bought the meeting house of the Unitarians located on the corner of Bull and York Streets.
(5) Last month, Benedict met with the head of the Society of St Pius X, the schismatic traditionalist movement whose leaders were excommunicated under Pope John Paul II.
(6) Right now, I feel this country needs that empathy more than anything else because we have a schismatic president who is portraying the world as a simplistic black-and-white cartoon.
(7) So it was that his invasion of England, where the church was schismatic , was officially a crusade and a papal banner flew over the Norman knights at Hastings.
(8) Most accepted, but minorities existed, some still adhering to Rome, others, though not yet schismatic , to Presbyterianism or more extreme Protestant views.
(9) In fact, his election discredited the conciliar movement as being schismatic .
(10) The schismatic and regionalised development of the resistance has been its greatest weakness to date.
(11) The castles themselves helped to fuel the growing schismatic power of the Barons in later years to the great detriment of the local populace.
(12) How far James contemplated turning Edinburgh into the orthodox rival of a schismatic Westminster is an interesting question, but the surviving evidence suggests he was more concerned with siring his army of bastard children.
(13) In 1920 a group of dissident priests formed a schismatic Czechoslovak Church after the Vatican rejected their demands for such reforms as the use of the vernacular in the liturgy and voluntary clerical celibacy.
(14) She remembered the schismatic Patriarchs of the later Roman empire.
(15) Perhaps we'll all think of him from time to time while we exercise the right to rip each other apart with terse comments and schismatic sentiments.
(16) Excommunication threatened the eternal life of heretics and schismatics , while the Holy Inquisition concentrated the minds of defiant Catholics by handing them over to the civil power for a spot of torture or burning.
(17) If the term u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Christianu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is taken to include heretics, schismatics , and baptized apostates, it would still appear that most are damned.
(18) In his opinion, reflection on the church's tradition had become the means for distinguishing orthodoxy and heresy in a Johannine church that, by the time of 1 John, was schismatically at odds with itself.
(19) Bishops who deny the authority of Scripture and declare that God has changed his mind on matters of sexual ethics, they say, are heretics, not just schismatics .
(20) This, he says, was due to the fact that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the South's religious mind was inarticulate, dissenting, and schismatical .u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb