(1) Any of various plants of the genus Saxifraga
(1) This is Arctic Canada at its best: a northern landscape blooming with purple mountain saxifrage , moss campion, and mountain avens.
(2) And the mountain zones are rife with arctic wildflowers like arctic willows and saxifrage .
(3) Alpine forget-me-nots, snow gentian, moss campion and an abundance of saxifrages grow here on the steep slopes.
(4) As for rock plants themselves, there are thousands of perennials and small shrubs to choose from, including a host of dianthus, saxifrages , sedums, and sempervivums.
(5) In the top of the wall, to soften the lines, Douglas has planted tough, low-growing alpines such as sedums, saxifrages and alpine pinks Dianthus alpinus.