(1) Insect whose female has a saw-like ovipositor for inserting eggs into the leaf or stem tissue of a host plant
(1) Hessian fly, greenbug, and wheat stem sawfly are the primary insects that attack wheat fields.
(2) Housing developments, which often feature non-native landscape plantings, can bring pests such as the sawfly that infested the Bracken Brae population in 1992.
(3) The preferred diet consists of ant pupae, sawfly larvae, beetles, scarabaeids, longicorn beetle larvae, and the larvae of cossid moths.
(4) This insect is the maggot of the eggs laid by sawflies or carpenter bees in the freshly-cut cane of the rose after pruning.
(5) Important pests of eastern white pine include white pine weevil, various sawflies , bark and needle aphids, pine tube moth, white pine blister rust and white pine root decline, particularly on wet sites.