(1) The cadets snap to attention and render a salute , as a distant bugler plays u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Taps.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(2) And they clothed Him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about His head, And began to salute Him, Hail, King of the Jews!
(3) She received a 21-gun salute during the welcoming ceremony at Merdeka Palace.
(4) At its most formal and elaborate, a salute can be accompanied by appropriate military music and can include the discharge of a prescribed number of guns as a formal or ceremonial sign of respect.
(5) When the jet reached Manchester Airport, the aircraft's wings were tipped in salute to its new home before circling and touching down.
(6) John saluted him and Richard quickly returned the salute before leaving the hangar and returning to the bridge.
(7) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510To absent friends,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Karen, in salute to their recently departed comrades.
(8) Excitement still pervaded the air, which hummed with voices and the crackle and pop of logs in the fire like a twenty-one gun salute .
(9) The General returned the salute of his driver in his open compartment and crouched as he hopped up into the little door to the rear compartment.
(10) I lifted my glass in salute to all my American friends, enjoying the big Thanksgiving meal, and thought with only a tinge of envy of the delights of roast turkey with all the trimmings.
(11) He raises his arms in a triumphant salute
(12) A twenty-one-gun salute
(13) Just before she vanished from my sight, she turned, and waved her great crystal sword at me in salute .
(14) He raised his hands above his head in a victory salute .
(15) Finally making up his mind, he pauses, gives his compatriot a military salute and finally, leaving him to himself, departs.
(16) Carter said, coming stiffly to attention and saluting Saunders who returned the salute and then shook Carters hand.
(17) Upon his arrival in Finland, Svinhufvud met him at the dock with a military salute , dressed in the uniform of a sergeant-major.
(18) We salute a truly great photographer
(19) Those people who can freely put their inner most thoughts, feelings and emotions on the web I salute and send you my admiration.
(20) Let's all salute an achievement of truly monumental proportions.