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English to Bangla Meaning of sally - লম্ফ

আকস্মিক উচ্ছ্বাস



লম্ফ, বেগে নির্গমন, বহির্গমন

Definitions of sally in English


(1) Witty remark

(2) A military action in which besieged troops burst forth from their position

(3) A venture off the beaten path

Examples of sally in English

(1) To each sally Lilu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ed responded in kind, with squeals.

(2) Jonathan laughed at that sally more than any of us; he has changed, and the Tory party ought to have recognised that.

(3) There was subdued laughter at this sally

(4) The teaching of the ringing of the backstroke ends when you can confidently let the learner ring it without intervention and you feel that he can set the bell at will and he can recover if the sally is not pulled with the correct strength.

(5) In response to each new sally of witticism, the Indians would break into uncontrollable fits of merriment.

(6) There are two parts to the bell rope - the tail and the soft sally , which are pulled alternately to make the bell ring.

(7) His sally at Descartes

(8) After an excellent dinner of squid, shrimp, and vegetables, we sally forth in search of a pub, but are unable to find one.

(9) The garrison there made a sally against us

(10) But when Lentulus with a large army besieged Spartacus, he sallied out upon him, and, joining battle, defeated his chief officers, and captured all his baggage.

(11) Michael furiously takes down all the witty sallies and asides, converting the evening into his next gay play, and, hopefully, a success.

(12) We sallied forth to Finsbury Park around three o'clock, joining the tens of thousands that were in attendance already, and the seemingly equal number that filed in thereafter as we sat and waited for further friends to arrive.

(13) So after about 20 minutes attempting 73 different and equally ridiculous configurations of the harness, including one that actually prevented BJ from standing up, we bravely sallied forth.

(14) The city guard sallied out and drove away the Crusaders, but the Franks returned to Civetot laden with booty and regaling everyone with tales of their great u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510victory.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb

(15) Forced to rely on their own resources, they sallied out of the city walls and routed Rory's army.

(16) So it was with great anticipation and alacrity that G.H.S. Tramp Club enthusiasts sallied forth every third Saturday.

(17) Richard hesitated to land, not knowing the situation, but as soon as the garrison saw the sails, they sallied out to attack.

(18) I awoke in the forenoon, pulled on my robe and sallied forth into the kitchen where I found my friend quite naked save for a pair of the most threadbare of undergarments.

(19) When he sallied out to meet the enemy, his army consisted of 160 knights.

(20) The show was certainly a lively, fast-moving, hilarious affair salted with quick-firing sallies of naval wit and wisdom.

synonyms of sally





TV series example of the word

Making us take our vows while they sneak off
for a little Sally on the side?

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 4

Making us take our vows while they sneak off for a little Sally on the side?

- Sally on the side?
- It's silly, isn't it?

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 4

- Sally on the side? - It's silly, isn't it?

You take me for some back-alley Sally
you can drag into a...

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 3

You take me for some back-alley Sally you can drag into a...

And Sally here makes rabbit stew
just like her mom used to do.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 3

And Sally here makes rabbit stew just like her mom used to do.

I was gonna send Sally north
to stay with my brother,

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 3

I was gonna send Sally north to stay with my brother,

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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