সালাম করা
(1) A deep bow; a Muslim form of salutation
(2) A deep bow
(3) A Muslim form of salutation
(1) Greet with a salaam
(1) The poem begins with the customary praise to God and then lists her sorrows and in the end she gives her salaam to everybody.
(2) While gray hair and a wrinkled face will get you nothing in the West except a name card from a plastic surgeon or a discounted fare on the city bus, a wai, a salaam , or a bow from the young is always proffered with sincerity.
(3) I disagreed with him on a few issues, but I knew that he held those views out of conviction, not because his party required him to salaam before their chosen altars.
(4) If you like coffee and you like ice cream, offer a deep salaam to the good people at Healthy Choice.
(5) When he had finished he used to pass the plate to me and I would transfer what was left over to my plate: in our tradition that was considered a great privilege and I would salaam profoundly as I did so.
(6) A week later, bowing and salaaming to me as grateful patients often do, he was discharged with a smile almost as long as the well healed incision on his thigh.
(7) O Jabir! Allah will keep you alive until his time and you will see him. O Jabir! When you meet him, convey my salaams to him.
(8) As we drove into the qila's courtyard we saw a crowd of between twenty and 30 retainers massing to greet the rajah, all frantically bowing and salaaming ; as Suleiman got out of the car the foremost ones dived to touch his feet.
(9) But the guy was so calm, I came closer to him and said: Salaam . How are you doing?! He looked at me with his eyes barely opened, smiled, and said in a very faint voice: Fine, Thank Allah for everything!
(10) I salaamed to her and, grateful for the chance to catch my breath, eat and make a couple of half-time adjustments in the game plan, walked to my office.
(11) Salaam . How's everything? I wish you luck on your mid-year exams.
(12) Give my salaams to everyone there please? Inshallah we can come back soon. Maybe I'll be able to bring my wife next time.