TV series example of the word
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 2
Okay? You should be, like, all sacrificial, jumping on a grenade, yo.
বলিসংক্রান্ত, বৈতানিক
(1) Used in or connected with a sacrifice.
(2) Atoning.
(1) For instance, an Attic red-figure krater with a sacrificial scene features a votive tablet on a column next to the altar.
(2) His was a vicarious death, both sacrificial (for sin) and substitutionary (for the sinner).
(3) Natural nacre also benefits from so-called sacrificial ionic bonds between proteins, which break under stress but can reform.
(4) She gives a lengthy description of the boy's relationship to his family and his inner responses to the bloody sacrificial rites.
(5) There is a dialogue between Yama and the boy about the primordial Fire and sacrificial rituals to attain to heavenly life.
(6) Jesus, in the Old Covenant, your people were sanctified by being sprinkled with the blood of sacrificial animals.
(7) In the early church, Christ was seen as the ransom for sin, the sacrificial lamb and the model of the life in God.
(8) We were also expecting to hear about how Moses sealed our covenant with God in the blood of sacrificial animals.
(9) Buddha challenged the Vedic practice of rigid sacrificial rituals and the practice of caste systems.
(10) Perhaps the reason now is that they were still carrying out their priestly duties and were about to eat a sacrificial meal.
(11) Because magnesium is very reactive, it is used as a sacrificial anode (a substance designed to be oxidized first, thus protecting other metals) for the hulls of ships and in underground pipelines
(12) A 2.75 - in.-thick latex layer of concrete is placed on top to act as a short-term sacrificial layer that soaks up winter road salts and chemicals.
(13) In four messages he opened up the magnificent theme of sacrificial worship from the anointing of Jesus in Mark 14.
(14) At the top were the Brahmans, priests of the sacrificial religion and intellectuals.
(15) Part of the ritual of sacrificial offering required pouring out water on the altar.
(16) It does not come from recitation of hymns, sacrificial worship or a hundred fasts.
(17) Plead forgiveness on the basis of the sacrificial death of God's Son for sinners.
(18) Ancient rituals have been revived, sacrificial altars rebuilt and lunar patterns observed with increasing attention.
(19) Judaism and paganism both practiced the pouring of sacrificial libations of both blood and wine.
(20) It apprehends his life of perfect obedience and his sacrificial death on Calvary as the spotless Lamb.
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 2
Okay? You should be, like, all sacrificial, jumping on a grenade, yo.