(1) I applied for Child Tax Credit months ago via the Internet route .
(2) When e-mail arrives in your inbox - or any of the folders into which you route your mail - SpamNet compares it with a database of known spam.
(3) Significant rates of debt reduction by way of the bankruptcy route have consequences that can only be called catastrophic.
(4) Physicians should choose the route of administration based on each patient's financial situation and the risk of noncompliance.
(5) Other services let drivers view traffic cams to find the best route to any destination - and receive voice prompts to direct them at intersections.
(7) Other hot spots include Williamstown, Grantstown and Ballygunner, which follow the route of the Waterford ring road.
(8) The accident happened at 9.30 pm on route 95 as a result of a previous accident.
(9) The most direct route is via Los Angeles
(10) They enable more people to invest in property, but in a much more flexible manner than the traditional route of becoming a landlord.
(11) The following year the Government launched a public consultation process for a route from Tallaght to Dundrum via the city centre.
(12) The idea assumes that most people, most of the time, will take the simplest route to their destination.
(13) This process involves examining the options available to achieve the agreed objectives and finding the strategic route forward.
(14) Every now and then, the scenic route would change.
(15) Wagner had fled from Dresden just a few weeks before Hugo had left Stuttgart, and both had taken the route to Paris via Switzerland.
(16) The couple have the option of heading back to Derry along the A2 or taking a longer, more scenic route via Dungiven.
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510You should route all power to the fusion reactor,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Mark called above the din.
(18) Manrique pushed initiatives to safeguard the island's natural and cultural heritage while at the same time mapping out a scenic route for touring the island.
(19) To route goods through Limerick