(1) Be agitated,make turbid by stirring up the sediments of,upset
(2) Be agitated
(3) Make turbid by stirring up the sediments of
(4) Upset
(1) The waves roil mightily, and batter and strike the ship so that they crush both sides of the hull and the planking almost shatters.
(2) The clouds are pink, the seas around Hook's ship surge and roil , and the fairies dance deep in the forest.
(3) Winds roil these waters
(4) Any religious film with violence is bound to roil some people.
(5) Winds roil these waters
(6) That comment still roils the ultra-liberal faculty at the university.
(7) The water roils around the combatants, and the sky is filled with clouds and tiny lines that intensify the sense of cataclysm.
(8) The North Sea roils just off the former hippie village of Monster, 40 miles southwest of Amsterdam.
(9) Below him water burbles, roils , and freezes into 300-pound blocks.
(10) He appears to have roiled some executives who were turned off by his hard-charging approach and overselling the merger's synergies.
(11) In the great Chaplin-versus-Keaton debate that's been roiling for decades among cinephiles, I come down firmly on the Chaplin side.
(12) That roiled his colleagues and, some argued, prolonged a stoppage that wiped out the World Series.
(13) On volcanically active planets like Venus, the surface roils and churns so quickly that solid crust does not have a chance to form.
(14) Beneath the veneer of landscapes, portraits and genre scenes, political rivalries roiled , and medals granted to entrants were contested hotly as matters of national pride.
(15) The core mantle boundary is a complex and dynamic area that churns and chugs as the liquid iron core roils at the bottom of the rock-like mantle.
(16) Something of Turner's seascapes, where everything appears to be roiling , comes through.
(17) Back on the ship, as the plot thickens and roils , our brave buccaneers flounder in the doldrums.
(18) While again Rawsthorne doesn't go so far as to lose his head or wear his heart on his sleeve, one gets the impression of great passions roiling under a relatively calm surface.