(1) In a riot of color, one giant painting spanning the entire length and breadth of the sanctum depicted the creation of the world from cosmic fire, its subsequent corruption and pollution and its final cleansing by fire.
(2) I wasn't sure how many floors there were to the place: the frontage was a riot of shingle roofs and gables, annexes and additions, windows of all shapes and sizes.
(3) The umpire, supported by the third, TV, umpire, correctly gave him u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510outu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, but 90,000 spectators disagreed and proceeded to riot until the game was stopped.
(4) Reportedly the film caused a riot in San Francisco's Chinatown in 1927 for its portrayal of opiate-trading, white-slaving Asians.
(5) Presented with a riot of possible furnishings, Simmons chooses fabric and wallpaper patterns and compounds them without regard to scale or convention.
(6) In comparison to Volta's splendid riot , the quiet sculptures seem meditative and spare, almost passive.
(8) His mind was a riot of different emotions as he thought, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510sorry foru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac you know.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(9) To her, suddenly, the entire modern world seemed a riot of noise.
(10) The solemn occasion came close to a riot when police were called as violent attempts were made to take bones from his skeleton as souvenirs.
(11) Everyone thought she was a riot
(12) A city market is a riot of enticing smells, textures, and colors, an abundance of beautiful fruits and vegetables.
(13) The channel packed in games such as shouting match and hoopla that caused a laugh riot among the crowd.
(14) An informant told them that the riot was between the peace bureau and a group of politicians.
(15) He used to bounce around in that chair all over the place, he was a riot .
(16) The scene could be a downtown loft or a private club: couples are seen on the dance floor, arms flung about each other, colors an artificially lit, dull riot of yellows, whites, tans and some blue.
(17) The whole place was a riot of different voices and accents - I guessed the huge variety was due to so many different floors intermingling, all with their own fashions and traditions.
(18) The men's room number was very funny, the lyrics to the song were just a riot .
(19) In the bathrooms, the countertops are a riot of color: they were built with a wide variety of recycled plastics, such as empty soda bottles.
(20) The film's sex scenes caused a riot in Cannes