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English to Bangla Meaning of reveille - নিদ্রাভঙ্গের জন্য সঙ্কেত

সৈন্যবাহিনীর লোকদের ভোরে জাগিয়ে তোলবার জন্য ড্রাম বা বিউগল বাজিয়ে সংকেত



নিদ্রাভঙ্গের জন্য সঙ্কেত

Definitions of reveille in English


(1) (military

(2) A signal to get up in the morning; in the military it is a bugle call at sunrise

(3) (military) signal to wake up

(4) A signal to get up in the morning

(5) In the military it is a bugle call at sunrise

Examples of reveille in English

(1) Casey kept her room perfectly clean, barely touching her old playthings and rose early each morning, expecting a reveille from Agent Michael.

(2) As the crowd stood silent between the sounding of the last post and reveille , and standards were held proudly to attention, even the noise of traffic and the chatter of passing pedestrians failed to detract from the dignity of the occasion.

(3) Reveille was at 0430 hours

(4) No reveille announced our start the next morning.

(5) When Neal called the reveille Casey jumped up, like Jennifer, and made her bed in record time.

(6) She woke early to her Palm PC singing a reveille bugle call.

(7) The bugler's name was Jospeh and he used to play the reveille first thing in the morning and sound the retreat each night at sunset.

(8) After reveille , you'll be treated to a Marine-style pre-sunrise breakfast, followed by a brisk 20-K run around the Green Zone perimeter.

(9) As the caretaker manager released his squad at Hampden last Wednesday, the mobile of Rainer Bonhof, standing at the back of the room, trilled to the sound of a bugle's reveille .

(10) The reveille filled the air, the two Garda members ushered on the traffic and under the midday sweltering sun, the tricolour was raised, now flying proudly at full mast.

(11) In any case there is the war, a hilltop, a huntsman, and a mournful reveille to life - described in sentences so off-kilter and beautiful you don't know whether to cry out for help or just start crying.

(12) On the battlefield a bugle plays reveille and the lines of soldiers stir, ready to surge forward.

(13) On Remembrance Day the last post is followed by a period of silence, and then by the reveille - the day's first bugle-call - to symbolize death and resurrection.

(14) With an affectionate gaze at his sober colleague, the prudent maidservant removes the wine-bottle, while a trumpeter at the door satirically sounds the reveille .

(15) Gina woke up to the notes of a trumpet sounding reveille breaking the dewy morning silence.

(16) It's not that we get the reveille as a wake-up alarm, or we have to do ten push-ups if we commit errors.

(17) At five o'clock in the morning, the reveille sounds and prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukov lies in his bunk, wondering if he should get up.

(18) The drums did not beat reveille until 6:30 and it seems everyone is sluggish in rising this morning, seeing as both sides are so frozen there is little chance of anything happening.

(19) I woke the next morning to the sound of reveille feeling very sore.

(20) As the bugler played the reveille he finished his salute and walked past the Pool of Remembrance where a crowd had gathered.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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