(1) Gain in value
(2) Value anew
(1) We should revalue our land and buildings at least once every five years
(2) So getting Beijing to revalue the yuan won't be easy, but it's necessary.
(3) In addition, Rusnak - who enjoyed a basic annual salary of around $110,000 - manipulated the market prices that were used to revalue his trade positions every day.
(4) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Property taxes are the real demon in Malibu, especially if you renovate, which gives the city an excuse to revalue your house,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said James Respondek, of Sotheby's Realty in Los Angeles.
(5) To escape the budget syndrome, we need to reassert core values and revalue faculty expertise and participation.
(6) The auditor-general thereupon revoked his directive to revalue all properties at changeover.
(7) Under the scheme, merged banks are allowed to revalue their assets and implement a staggered booking of valuation reserves.
(8) When he switched his mortgage earlier this year, his property was revalued .
(9) Some analysts revaluing the company now believe that C&W's UK assets together are worth less than C&W paid for Energis.
(10) Mr Rose is also revaluing M & S's property portfolio in advance of a possible sale-and-leaseback deal that could release cash.
(11) Investors are expected to spend the next 48 hours deciding the fate of M & S, which has also revalued property at u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25513.6 billion and acquired the Per Una fashion brand.
(12) You should have your policy revalued by the life company and produce this valuation when it is encashed and the tax falls due.
(13) Yesterday's rather grandly named race was revalued by the unseasonally fast ground and those who took the 2-1 on about Ansar were given an early heart attack when he hammered the second fence with his chest.
(14) When the property was revalued at $203,000 the bank demanded the investor put in another $50,000 to maintain a loan to equity ratio of 75%.
(15) Malaysia is also a big exporter of electronic goods, which will be more expensive to importers if the currency is revalued .
(16) After that, the portfolio was revalued by $175 million, bringing us the final figure of $360 million in losses.
(17) Analysts worry that many companies will report losses after revaluing their assets in accordance with the stricter rules.
(18) The valuator along with four assistants then began the process of revaluing the 38000 rateable properties in Windhoek.
(19) The Irish currency was revalued by 3 per cent against the German mark in March 1998.
(20) Thousand of small businesses are facing significant increases in their businesses rates following this year's rates revaluation .