TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 1
- So? - It would be gastronomically redundant.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 8
but isn't that redundant?
অতিরিক্ত, অনাবশ্যক, প্রচুর, প্রয়োজনাতিরিক্ত, অপ্রয়োজনীয়
(1) More than is needed, desired, or required,use of more words than required to express an idea,repetition of same sense in different words,excessive; repetitious
(2) More than is needed
(3) desired
(4) or required
(5) Use of more words than required to express an idea
(6) Repetition of same sense in different words
(7) Excessive; repetitious
(1) The council claimed its ambition to support the results of the scheme financially could not be achieved unless more than 120 employees were made redundant .
(2) A redundant expression combines two words that mean the same thing, thereby intensifying the effect.
(3) All of us feel sympathy for employees at factories and plants who are made redundant by companies based in other countries.
(4) That is because St Martin's Church in Whenby was redundant .
(5) The original St John's Church became redundant in 1938 and was once threatened with demolition through road-widening.
(6) That makes any introduction I could write for him useless and redundant .
(7) Dispensing with redundant staff may sound like sensible business practice, like cutting away dead wood.
(8) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510He's just a nice guy,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she finished, as if any other words would be completely redundant .
(9) In time these training sessions became redundant and unnecessary.
(10) Despite St Martin's officially being a redundant church, which cannot stage weddings, Jenny was determined that she should tie the knot in her home village.
(11) Because these systems include redundant components, even strong perturbations may lead to only a subtle phenotype.
(12) Some of these components are redundant while others are critical paths so that any failure will bring the whole system down.
(13) Architects were needed to transform buildings made redundant by the Revolution, such as churches, into buildings serving new public needs.
(14) There are a few plotlines and characters - Sophie's mother in particular - that are somewhat redundant and unnecessary.
(15) The employer sold the business some years after the employee commenced work and the employee was made redundant .
(16) There is a single path for power and cooling distribution, with no redundant components; all systems are N.
(17) One area which could come under the spotlight is the state's property portfolio and the disposal of redundant property and land.
(18) My partner was made redundant last November and hasn't secured further employment as yet.
(19) My wife was made redundant two weeks after we launched the business.
(20) Workers who have been made redundant will be able to make claims up to u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551280 a week for pay, holiday pay, pay in lieu of notice and redundancy.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 1
- So? - It would be gastronomically redundant.
The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 8
but isn't that redundant?