পারদ, সজীবতা, পারা, স্ফূর্তি, তত্পরতা, সক্রিয়তা, ক্ষিপ্রতা
ক্ষিপ্র, উজ্জ্বল, চক্চকে, ঝক্ঝকে, চট্পটে, তত্পর, সক্রিয়, জ্বলজ্বলে
(1) Liable to sudden unpredictable change
(1) A heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures
(2) A heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element
(3) The only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures
(1) California exported nearly all its silver to Asian markets, as well as much of its quicksilver [mercury], which was a key new element in improving the extraction of precious metals from ore.
(2) His quicksilver wit
(3) The staff are pure class, the martini's pure quicksilver - immaculate.
(4) It is the secret, the mystery of quicksilver , that a metal of such enormous density can yet remain liquid.
(5) Kepler noted with satisfaction that it would be appropriate to correlate the sun with gold, the density of which is greater than that of quicksilver .
(6) By increasing the amount of mercury allowed in coal-fired power plant emissions, he will ensure that every fish in every Great Lake contains unsafe levels of quicksilver .
(7) The mind goes like quicksilver to the simple solution to a case and it would have seemed to me that the issue in this case is a very simple one.
(8) Her quicksilver changes of intent, complex multiple qualities, polyrhythms, and opposing body parts warred with Anderson's weeping strings to create a moving picture of grief.
(9) The piano bench remains unoccupied as the instrument's keys appear to be struck by the quicksilver fingers of four absent hands - perhaps those of Isenstein and her sidekick.
(10) Only the lizards seemed charmed by the sun, sliding like quicksilver among the crannies in the walls.
(11) Those environmentally-conscious Australians have extracted the chlorine from this quicksilver Olympic pool, so one of the most drug - scarred sports has even less chance of washing itself clean.
(12) Instead, more interest is shown in offshore locales like Bermuda, Ireland, Switzerland or Hong Kong, where governments work hard to make themselves attractive to quicksilver capital.
(13) Money was like quicksilver - hard to get a hold of and harder yet to keep in hand.
(14) Drop your guard for a moment, and your hard-won gains slip like quicksilver from your grasp, leaving a muscle group to lag behind others or your rock-hard density to melt.
(15) The music of Chopin is like quicksilver to the ear; Beethoven is moonlight and butterflies for the soul.
(16) His enthusiasm was as legendary as his quicksilver movement from one scientific interest to another.
(17) Yao Wei - a new ensemble member from Shanghai - entered like a quicksilver breeze, tenuously anchored to earth by beautifully arched feet.
(18) Mercury has long been known also by the name quicksilver , because it is a silver liquid.
(19) What she made present to the audience was a quicksilver mind as well as a radiant body.
(20) They view political power as a quicksilver that is always everywhere at once in society, and therefore nowhere in particular.