(1) A primitive stone mill for grinding corn by hand
(1) The presence of the querns and a sparse but diverse collection of seeds from wheat, pulses, hackberry, olive, and grape suggest that this was an area where the final stage of food-processing took place, perhaps a kitchen.
(2) A 19th century hand-powered barn winnowing machine using volunteers' muscle power will then separate the grain from the chaff before milling, using machines from replica Stone Age querns to a Bamford mill powered by a 1930 tractor.
(3) Finds from the room included two querns , a handstone, an iron blade, a terracotta stopper, a loom weight, and a piece of a copper sheet, objects possibly associated with domestic functions.
(4) Rotary querns , quantities of cattle bone, shellfish, and carbonized barley grains show the agricultural aspects of everyday life in the settlement.
(5) Around 3500 BC the keeping of cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats began, along with weaving of cloth and making of pottery; later on came the growing, drying by fire, and milling in querns of grain.