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English to Bangla Meaning of quatrain - চতুষ্পদী শ্লোক



চতুষ্পদী শ্লোক

Definitions of quatrain in English


(1) A stanza of four lines

Examples of quatrain in English

(1) The hymn stanza grew out of the ballad stanza: four beats, three beats, four beats, three beats in alternating isochronous lines of varying numbers of syllables locked in a rhyming quatrain .

(2) The reply and counter-reply must be given in the form of a quatrain with a rhyme scheme of a-b-c-b.

(3) Valery subtly suggests the progression of evening in the language of the second quatrain 's closing lines.

(4) Imagine hearing the lines of the second quatrain as a series of introductions.

(5) By the time he has finished the first stanza, this is the form he seems to have chosen: a three-stress-per-line stanza of four lines, a quatrain in which the second and fourth lines rhyme.

(6) Also of note formally are a few poems with blippy little quatrains of one to two words per line, one of which is the frolicsome u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Leopard Spirit Societyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.

(7) As well as writing in free verse, his poems are often structured in two or three-line stanzas or quatrains , frequently, although not always, with a rhyme scheme.

(8) The source texts are then reformed into single aphoristic lines, couplets, quatrains , and whole poems.

(9) Ballads are most often first-person narratives told in rhyming quatrains of Hiberno-English, and dealing with matters such as love and war.

(10) Presumably to save space, verse is cited in two parallel columns, read across rather than down, with the effect that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510The Character of a Happy Lifeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb appears at first glance to be written in obscure couplets rather than limpid quatrains .

(11) Narrative folk ballads of Mexican origin typically have regular metrical features such as rhyming quatrains and use traditional imagery.

(12) O'Hara has divided the poem into four unrhymed quatrains , with each of first three consisting of one self-contained sentence.

(13) Smith's u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510illegitimateu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb sonnet consists of three elegiac quatrains and a couplet, thus combining both English elegiac meters.

(14) We hear iambs, trochees, Virgil's hexameters, the Norse alliterative lines, each arranged in their various couplets, quatrains , choric stanzas, gnomic verses, and much more besides.

(15) His earlier work tends to be written in traditional rhymed quatrains but, as he matured, he dropped the rhymes and worked in a freer but still basically alexandrine movement.

(16) I curled up with Nash's couplets, quatrains , limericks and occasional jeremiads.

(17) Jaques's assertion of the presence of the object world as a link to the past and a means to achieve wholeness in the present is echoed in her conventional poetics, dominated by her preference for rhyming couplets and quatrains .

(18) The play is written in verse which varies between alternately rhyming quatrains and stanzaic form, the effect being lyric rather than dramatic.

(19) The pantoum is a Malay verse form consisting of an indefinite number of quatrains with the second and fourth lines of each quatrain repeated as the first and third lines of the following one.

(20) To analyze a sonnet into quatrains and tercets is to recognize it as a sonnet, and so to relate it to a conventional lyrical category.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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