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English to Bangla Meaning of pustule - ব্রণ

সপূঁষ ব্র্ণ বা ফুসকুড়ি



ব্রণ, ক্ষুদ্র ব্রণ, ফুস্কুড়ি, গুটি

Definitions of pustule in English


(1) A small inflamed elevation of skin containing pus; a blister filled with pus

(2) A small inflamed elevation of skin containing pus

(3) A blister filled with pus

Examples of pustule in English

(1) Bacterial blight and bacterial pustule have been identified in many soybean fields this year.

(2) All three reactions with early pustule formation indicate concurrent tuberculosis.

(3) The scalp may appear normal or have areas of erythema and pustule formation.

(4) Unlike bacterial blight, warm temperatures do not limit development of bacterial pustule .

(5) As the disease progresses, small light colored pustules will form in the center of the spots.

(6) Two months later, the purulent discharge, pustules , and erythema had resolved, and the nodules had diminished in size.

(7) These pimples vary according to the severity of the acne and range from whiteheads, blackheads, pustules , nodules to cysts.

(8) Erythematous papules and pustules characterize inflammatory acne, but comedones may also be present.

(9) A few days later, painful blister-like pustules begin to form on the skin.

(10) Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory facial dermatosis of unknown aetiology characterised by erythema and pustules .

(11) Crowds don't have hearts, or veins, or pustules , or cancers, though individuals do.

(12) Neem soap has been going for years - especially popular with pustular teenagers on the subcontinent.

(13) In 1789 there was an outbreak of swinepox and Jenner inoculated three people with pustules from this infection.

(14) He looks back and down towards his enlarged, veined, pustular , phlebitic left leg.

(15) The most common signs of folliculitis are red bumps and pustules on the glutes and leg area.

(16) Mature soybean rust pustules have a small round opening at the top for spore release.

(17) The bumps become pustules - sharply raised, usually round and firm to the touch.

(18) As the name implies the rust pustules appear as distinct yellow-orange stripes on the leaves.

(19) These lesions included papular, urticarial, purpuric, pustular , and eczematoid changes, such as papular urticaria.

(20) How it works on spots: It kills the acne bacteria which cause infection and lead to the formation of spots and pustules .

synonyms of pustule















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