TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 5
The dragons will purify nonbelievers by the thousands,
শুদ্ধ করা, পবিত্র করা, বিশুদ্ধ করা, ক্ষালন করা, শোধন করা, বিশোধন করা, বিশোধিত করা
(1) Remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation.
(2) Make pure or free from sin or guilt.
(3) Become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin.
(4) Remove impurities from.
(5) increase the concentration of.
(6) and separate through the process of distillation.
(7) Free; make clean.
(1) Because of unconditional acceptance by deities, I don't purify myself before ritual.
(2) I said no, we purify others by our actions as satyagrahis.
(3) Crude extracts were used because, for unknown reasons, it was not possible to purify the enzyme from the extract successfully without losing most of the activity.
(4) Such societies may therefore employ spies or a priesthood to purify themselves of corrupting influences.
(5) From what I know and have read, the scarf is to purify one's soul.
(6) It also aims, through the same actions, to purify one's soul and weaken one's worldly desires.
(7) James has to set himself apart from other mortals and purify himself from normal appetites in order to perfect his art.
(8) A group of 19th-century German painters who set out to purify art
(9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
(10) The filtration plant is able to purify 70 tons of water a day
(11) Total RNA was isolated as described previously, with the inclusion of an ethylene glycol monobutyl ether precipitation to purify samples from contaminating carbohydrates prior to the lithium chloride precipitation of RNA.
(12) A ritual bath to purify the soul
(13) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510He came and went so fast we were not able to purify him by waving branches over his head,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said the angry Yasukuni Shrine monks.
(14) Tibetans celebrated Dosmoche, dancing in masks to frighten away the evil spirits, and Pakistanis observed Chaomos, when they purify themselves with water and goat's blood.
(15) The ancient scriptures believed the Yamuna to be sacred enough to purify one's soul.
(16) Related work to purify semiconducting nanotubes and remove graphitic contamination is also being carried out.
(17) You said this would purify the Faith and make it stronger.
(18) Should you manage to purify yourself, your will still be able to journey to paradise.
(19) Gowri bemoans of her action of coming into physical contact with Gange, a lower caste woman, and decides to purify herself by taking bath in holy water.
(20) Did it purify me of the last vestige of any desire that might still be hanging around?
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 5
The dragons will purify nonbelievers by the thousands,