রেচক, বিরেচক
বিরেচক ঔষধ, জোলাপ, জোলাব
(1) Strongly laxative
(1) A purging medicine; stimulates evacuation of the bowels
(2) A purging medicine
(3) Stimulates evacuation of the bowels
(1) Some of its other traditional uses have been as a mild purgative for chronic constipation and for the treatment of swollen glands.
(2) Some of them prime your emotions, setting you up for a let down or a purgative , thundering crash.
(3) We seem to prefer the smile that conceals an inner deception to the honest purgative truth about ourselves.
(4) The purgative activity of RH appears to be due to rhein and the sennoside components.
(5) It is this purgative function of art to which Ernst Gombrich has appealed in his explication of the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510grotesque.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(6) Detoxification, in these narratives of spiritual struggle, counts as the long night of the soul: the body's purgative agony as it pours junk through all available orifices.
(7) Prior to Election Day, there was a widespread belief that the outcome of the 2000 Election was a fluke, an aberration, that would correct itself, as a sort of natural purgative process, in 2004.
(8) Chinese people have used it for over 2000 years as a purgative medicine, although some scientists consider it a medical enigma.
(9) The traditional vocabulary calls this the purgative path: We cleanse ourselves in order to keep God in our life.
(10) But when the six percussionists timidly clink their cymbals, it's hard to keep thinking they're high priests presiding over a purgative rite.
(11) The laxative and purgative properties of Senna were discovered in the 9th century by the Arabs, who spread its use to Europe.
(12) Castor Oil Plant, while the plant is poisonous, the expressed thick, viscid oil is used as a powerful laxative and purgative .
(13) The need for purgative violence in order to recreate the self hearkens back to the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510fiery zealeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of the universal conflagration.
(14) Bulimia nervosa can be difficult to identify because of extreme secrecy about binge eating and purgative behaviour.
(15) Prepared rhubarb is used when one desires to enhance the blood moving or heat clearing effects of the herb, but minimize the purgative action.
(16) If he was indeed suffering from syphilitic symptoms such as burning joint pain and oozing ulcerations, then this portrait could represent a sort of purgative catharsis.
(17) What doesn't get manhandled out gets washed out with whatever purgative their employer prescribes.
(18) Mention of health at the end of the entry on rhubarb brings to mind purgative powers, plus questions about possible health risks if a lot of rhubarb is eaten.
(19) It is considered a purgative , or a drink to help digestion.
(20) What's really troubling about someone like Eminem is the very purgative nature of art.