(1) Their gigantic footballers have seen off the puny English opposition.
(2) The answer that, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510We are too puny to understand the purposes of Godu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is not an explanation.
(3) Grendel, a puny lean man with a wicked narrow face and a long nose, was enjoying a pink bubbling liquid in a gold bath.
(4) But Stack carries the comic weight of the show on his puny underdeveloped shoulders and succeeds as an Atlas of anarchy.
(5) It is simply not worth the hassle to deal in such a puny amount - dealing costs will take out a hefty chunk of any profit on the shares.
(6) The Viking soldiers tried to attack but most had fled and the others were weak and puny .
(7) The reaction so far has been a sweeping condemnation of the team's hitters, who are described as inept and puny and feeble.
(8) They show how puny the supposed threat can seem, how feeble strutting columns of third world soldiery can abruptly become.
(9) Japanese policemen's guns are small and sort of puny .
(10) A starter confit of duck turned out to be one very puny , dry and underseasoned duck leg which tasted roasted not preserved in salt and fat as a proper confit should be.
(11) He has a puny physique, so he cannot be only an action hero,.
(12) It is to his puny praise and pathetic shopping list of desires that God, the Creator of All, elects to listen to daily.
(13) It had to be puny if a relatively weak top break handgun mechanism could safely hold it.
(14) Do my insane ramblings ring a delicate bell in your puny , thoughtless brain?
(15) Your pathetic and puny mind is incapable of any true thought, and merely lurches from situation to situation.
(16) Her list of credits would make your puny little life look like a bad joke.
(17) Can you imagine Sachin Tendulkar being reduced to tears by some puny little coach?
(18) With a puny drive and paltry track record, he has only accuracy off the tee to commend him, but it has not prevented the galleries accepting him as one of their own.
(19) Third, stay in the book business long enough to change the market dynamic and plow all those pitifully puny stores under.
(20) Despite being puny , I could beat all the boys at school.