(1) Brother John, who became the prior at Mont-Cornillon in 1242, must have been the first male to whom Juliana spoke regarding her vision for the new feast.
(2) Although some winners were unable to attend due to prior engagements or ill-health, the vast majority of the past recipients of the prestigious award were at the dinner.
(3) The first abbot of Dunfermline was Geoffrey, prior of Canterbury, while David I's Cistercian foundation at Melrose was established by monks from Rievaulx.
(4) One person who presented his ideas on the longitude was Jacques Graindorge, the prior of a Benedictine abbey in Fontenay near Caen.
(5) Research has since confirmed the importance of prior knowledge to reading comprehension across a wide variety of situations.
(6) It does appear that, due to the patient leaving the ward without prior notice to the staff nurse, this routine was not carried out.
(7) There then follow 18 sub-paragraphs listing various actions or activities which are prohibited without the prior written consent of both shareholders.
(8) What we are looking for is a prior statement inconsistent with her evidence.
(9) The Chartreuse de Champmol was founded for twenty-four monks and a prior , which was twice the usual number in a typical Carthusian foundation.
(10) Meanwhile, citizens with little prior exposure to the rudiments of democratic practices acquired repeated experience with voting.
(11) The courts have also looked to the logical implications and extensions of their prior precedents in deciding whether a right is fundamental.
(12) When the student returns, she must be reinstated to her prior status.
(13) Mr. Naess was equally vague about details of his prior relationship with the complainant.
(14) The announcement has been made at very short notice without any prior consultation and has been a tremendous shock to those using the services.
(15) The seven subjects in this trial experienced the same general type of mild acute side effects described in the prior pilot clinical trial which used one-half of the dose in the current study.
(16) Taize is a celibate, monastic community of men living under a common rule with Brother Roger as prior .
(17) He was ordained in May 1953 and has served as prior , novice master and Bursar.
(18) Almost half the defendants convicted had no prior arrest records.
(19) At common law, the father of a legitimate child was seen as having a prior and stronger claim to possession of the child than the mother in disputes concerning the custody of the child.
(20) Ideally each software installation would be referred to a central service for prior approval.