(1) Meanwhile the council is planning to postpone the introduction of recycling schemes for flats.
(2) Worries about crime led councillors to postpone a decision on a leisure trail on a former railway.
(3) Meetings have been postponed for the summer months.
(4) She requires several more surgeries but they have been indefinitely postponed due to financial constraints.
(5) And every day we read about delays, postponements , difficulties in the trial, terrible security problems.
(6) As she waits on the mainland for the arrival of her fiancu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00ab, the fog rolls in, postponing any traffic to or from the island that evening.
(7) Lawyers have another two hours to file briefs for and against postponing the October 7 recall.
(8) It is important to note that the postponements or adjournments were all with the consent of the appellant, as we have already observed.
(9) In a way, this can be expected with the number of delays, postponements and redesigns the game went through.
(10) The Institute of Health and Welfare estimates that 80 per cent of health related conditions in old age are preventable or postponable if corrected in time.
(11) In addition, there is the Treasury pressure, acute at the moment, to look critically at all avoidable or postponable expenditure (there is a war, of uncertain scope and duration, to be paid for).
(12) They keep postponing it, and even their promises are not being fulfilled.
(13) These factors can easily lead to delays or postponements that simply don't happen with other clients.
(14) The delays and postponements could have affected our team in a bad way.
(15) If millions of postal votes have to be verified, postponing the forming of a new government - so be it.
(16) The Prime Minister postponing the announcement of the election for 24 hours was a good one as well.
(17) This suggests that the postponers intend to work, but somehow get sidetracked.
(18) To my surprise she now seemed to believe my problems and was considering postponing my death sentence.
(19) The postponers are those who refuse to make a decision, allowing relationships, professional commitments and finally nature to make the choice for them.
(20) One, I think the risk of postponing them is greater than the risk of having them, but it's going to be a close call.