(1) Particularly stinging is theu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac suggestion that the government has been playing poodle to its American masters.
(2) Because he's been such a toy poodle for corporations that now are proving to be systemically corrupt, Harvey's been taking heat, including bipartisan demands that he resign.
(3) He steadfastly maintained his independence and never allowed the Bank to become a poodle of political causes.
(4) The poodle , Bedlington terrier, and Kerry blue terrier have long, wooly or coarse coats that tend to shed less.
(5) It is well known that the US government - like that of her British poodle - favour universities as a method of recruiting spies.
(6) To ease her loneliness, she also spent a lot of time with her French poodle and dachshund.
(7) In James Naughtie's book, far from being America's poodle , the British Prime Minister emerges as America's Alsatian, a watchdog which forewarns of danger and then helps combat it.
(8) Why don't you and your poodle of a Foreign Minister try setting up a democracy with individual liberties in, say, France first.
(9) The council is being made a poodle of central government
(10) The second defendant has said that there are 18 dogs on the premises including five adult shepherd dogs, one poodle and the rest are adult dachshunds.
(11) The chap who just wants to poodle along the road at 50 mph
(12) Some of the dog breeds with the ability to signal an epileptic seizure include, the poodle , German shepherd, golden retriever, and the Rottweiler.
(13) A woman walked past me, leading a miniature poodle with a tartan coat.
(14) The most popular breed of designer dog is the Labradoodle - originally a cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle .
(15) When the poodle gets out of politics, they should start measuring his neck.
(16) But secondly, with the SNP continually waiting the chance to describe him as London's poodle , there is the political imperative for him to do so, in order to prove them wrong.
(17) She knows that going into government as Fianna Fu00d4u00f6u00a3u251cu00a1il poodle would be even more damaging than being stuck out on the wilderness of the Opposition benches.
(18) I'm tired, and a lot of others are tired, of people like Mr. Keene and his Raleigh lap poodle Mike Regan using our religion for political purposes.
(19) To the one on her right, Louise said, no, she would not sit for his dog - a taffy-toned poodle with a puppy cut that answered to the name of Roy.
(20) Make room for doodles, the latest designer dogs - a mix of a poodle with another breed.