(1) The government of the Roman Catholic Church
(1) Administer a pontifical office.
(2) Talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner.
(3) Sermonize.
(1) It is possible to prattle and pontificate about the cultural relevance of the cheap romance novel, and how its development, like, totally reflects the changes to women's status in society.
(2) Pope Gregory VIII enjoyed only a ten-week pontificate
(3) Next, we'll be discussing what's next for the Catholic Church with a leading expert on the pontificate .
(4) Others pontificate on health, telling us what we should and should not do to remain well, while we are overwhelmed with financial advice from experts whose predictions often turn out wrong.
(5) Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni said: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Rome will grind to a halt to guarantee the full development of the demonstration of love for the pontificate , guaranteeing the maximum security for all the heads of state,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(6) The idea is that you as the reader have access to much of the information that we as journalists do and there is no reason you can't be a writer, a reporter, a pontificator or a blogger yourself.
(7) On the feast itself he pontificated at Mass and preached three times to the people.
(8) The rare footage of Zorn pontificating on his music and directing his various ensembles proves more intriguing than Heuermann's woolly-headed intrusions.
(9) While u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510top analystsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb are pontificating about 50 percent and 70 percent increases, the real increases here in Southern California are around 300 percent.
(10) Maybe that smashed window in the corporate box was actually the result of a disturbed football supporter who was watching Eddie pontificating on the subject of expectoration.
(11) Think of the herd as being similar to government: you just know that the drought is over when you get every state Premier sitting around a table pontificating about how we should all put a brick in the dunny.
(12) Instead speakers from across the political spectrum pontificated over the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510meaninglessnessu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of official political reform efforts, listing countless reasons why the current regime has to go.
(13) One development in particular has been left almost entirely un-remarked upon by the army of armchair strategists and pontificators in Washington newsrooms and TV studios, although U.S. soldiers in the field are all too aware of it.
(14) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510An Interview with Renny Harlinu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is a short section featuring director Harlin pontificating upon the effects, the cast and the script.
(15) As a Bishop he pontificated that night and consecrated the apostles bishops so they might say the Mass with him.
(16) Make sure everyone on your staff treats women the same way they'd treat men: They should be helpful and respectful and inquire as to need - rather than pontificating and telling her what they think is best for her.
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Stormy Waters, Punditu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is a short cartoon featuring Sealab's resident dolt pontificating on a number of political topics.
(18) He took his swings, watched by many, then stood around the batting cage pontificating about hitting, while other players went out to take fielding practice when their hitting was done.
(19) Although Congress has been pontificating about the challenges that confront Social Security for years, and years, and years, the fundamental financial structure of Social Security continues to decay.
(20) Even an additional CD or two with some of the best tracks would have been a way for viewers to hear some of these classic songs uninterrupted by Tom Petty pontificating about various musicians and movements.
hold forth
lay down the law
sound off
mouth off