(1) A person of great and varied learning
(1) A Renaissance polymath
(2) What I didn't know at the time was he was also a polymath , with a wide range of interests and a photographic memory.
(3) A prodigy and a polymath , he first came to notice as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the bad boy of musicu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb in the Twenties Paris avant-garde, associated with Pound.
(4) He was a polymath and was offered a history scholarship before opting for medicine.
(5) I took heart from an interview with Thomas Stoppard where somebody said to him, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510You're such a polymath ,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and he said, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Yes, for about three months.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(6) In high school, I studied American history with a nineteenth-century-style polymath who assigned us readings from Richard Hofstadter.
(7) Raskin's CV reads something like a masterclass in being a polymath : he was an accomplished musician, programmer and designer.
(8) A prodigious polymath , he wrote on subjects as varied as grammar and gout, ethics and eczema, and was highly regarded in his lifetime as a philosopher as well as a doctor.
(9) This mystical attraction to words would lead him not only to become a linguistic polymath , but to invent his own private language, with its own alphabet, which he used in writing his diary.
(10) Moreau's art is a reassemblage of the memory and the tricks of the memory, as thorough and as convolute as Proust's vast quest for a half-lost past that was, likewise, the lifework of a polymath spellbound by beauty.
(11) In a century of eclectic geniuses, Casanova was a supreme polymath .
(12) An autodidact and a polymath , Wallace studied economics, meteorology, history, genetics, and many other subjects.
(13) James Lighthill was indeed a brilliant scientist; but he was also a polymath , with knowledge, insight and enthusiasm for the arts and humanities.
(14) His portrait of this elusive, intensely private genius describes Faraday's links with painters and poets, polymaths and mystics.
(15) In an age of polymaths who mastered all the disciplines, knew many languages, and wrote more than any modern can read, chronology, with its varied contents and technical difficulties, seemed the essence of scholarship.
(16) These polymaths often resented their lack of recognition from specialist professional academics, and compensated by seeking political success.
(17) Ben would engage in diverse acts of self-expression - art-works, music, craft-works, scientific theorisations - by which a polymathic apprehension of the world would be concentrated into new forms of representation.
(18) This, Zimmer claims, was the achievement of the group of virtuosi - highly talented polymaths more or less trapped in Oxford during the civil war and the Cromwellian republic of the mid-17th century.
(19) If you are one of the benighted majority, you should know that he was one of those Victorian Scottish polymaths ; a poet, theologian, and geologist of some genius.
(20) Writing in The New York Times Book Review, Judith Shulevitz gushed, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Novelists, in short, have become our public intellectuals - our polymaths , our geographers, our scholars of the material world.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb