ধনতন্ত্র, ধনবান শাসকগোষ্ঠী
(1) A political system governed by the wealthy people
(1) Dark times are ahead because there is no republic anymore only a plutocracy .
(2) For in reality France under Louis XVI was governed not by the nobility, but by a plutocracy in which the majority of nobles had no share.
(3) Politicians rail against the plutocracy and the baleful influence of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the top 1 percent.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(4) Officials were drawn from the new plutocracy
(5) Under the guise of democracy, the island is a plutocracy - a political system governed by the wealthy people.
(6) We need to change our government in a revolutionary way, and overthrow the plutocracy (which is firmly rooted in this mentality) that controls our government.
(7) The existing two-party system, whose personnel are utterly dependent on the financial support of the plutocracy , is thoroughly unrepresentative of the general population.
(8) A century ago the city was a playground for the New York plutocracy .
(9) It is a plutocracy , not a democracy.
(10) The plutocracy presently in charge of these matters must become alert to the needs of all.
(11) Anti-immigrant hatred, urban violence, democracy subverted by plutocracy - these are not, the film shows, new developments.
(12) In a word, aristocracy was displaced by plutocracy .
(13) It would replace democracy with plutocracy , letting the wealthy and big business make laws in their own interests.
(14) The attack on the Bank of England was a gesture against the very symbol of plutocracy
(15) What we're effectively seeing is the displacement of democratic representative government with something approaching plutocracy .
(16) As you've pointed out in many of your articles, the revolution against the capitalist plutocracy is largely a war of words and ideas at this point.
(17) In the end, the financial plutocracy handpicked the president.
(18) Indeed, it does appear they are increasingly living in a plutocracy , and this is a factor that simply cannot be overlooked in the discussion of class polarization.
(19) It appears we either have been transmuted to an obvious plutocracy - or worse, a fascist dictatorship.
(20) No one can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy