TV series example of the word
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 8
Oh, yes, like the male peacock with brilliant plumage...
পক্ষীর পালকসমূহ, পক্ষীর পক্ষসমষ্টি
(1) The light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
(1) The female in breeding plumage has a gray back with chestnut and black on the wings.
(2) However, a single excellent sighting of a male in full plumage singing in the sun is enough for us.
(3) The ruddy duck, an attractive bird with chestnut plumage and a bright blue bill is well settled as a species in England.
(4) It was a bird with beautiful plumage on the top of it's shiny head, and a long beak protruded.
(5) Males attract mates using song, iridescent plumage and dramatic display flights.
(6) Both the juvenile and the adult have golden plumage at the napes of their necks.
(7) In non-breeding plumage the males are brown with white on the face and a round white spot at each ear.
(8) Colourful crests make birds in breeding plumage easy to identify.
(9) But underneath their matt chocolate plumage and chestnut leg feathers, they are very slight.
(10) The Steller's Jay is a striking bird with deep blue and black plumage and a long, shaggy crest.
(11) The bird was unmistakably a male American Kestrel in full blue and orange plumage .
(12) Bright plumage make this bird unmistakable, though often hard to see in the shade of a river bank.
(13) Adults in breeding plumage are light brown, and have black spots on their wings.
(14) The crane has light to dark blue-gray plumage and a crimson cap at the back of its crown.
(15) The male in full breeding plumage
(16) The male's body plumage is glossy black, and the wings and tail feathers are white.
(17) By spring, the outer tips of the feathers have worn off to reveal the breeding plumage underneath.
(18) One could scarcely grow tired of seeing such a parade of plumage even if warblers were common.
(19) The male in breeding plumage is bright yellow with a black forehead, wings, and tail.
(20) Variety in the lovebird's diet is the key to feather perfect plumage and a healthy bird.
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 8
Oh, yes, like the male peacock with brilliant plumage...