(1) Charming and plausible though they are, they can only ever see us as resources to be used.
(2) They had only got seconds to make up their mind because he was so plausible .
(3) However, there is another equally plausible candidate for the role of villain.
(4) The chain comes to an end where neither your plausible responses nor mine change as the reasoning continues.
(5) There is little on the military career that made him a plausible candidate for governor.
(6) Only the public service side has a plausible argument for public money.
(7) Martin had a way of making a very plausible argument for resettling the Karma circle back on it's axis.
(8) He may be the most plausible Minister, but he does not create policy; he creates a kind of fog.
(9) If they are representative, the only plausible answer is to consider their supposed ideology.
(10) They have plausible arguments to put forward, and these we must try to answer.
(11) There's no plausible candidate out there that wouldn't be a massive improvement in almost every way.
(12) Kurt knew what the homework was, he just wanted a plausible reason to talk to Lester.
(13) Schopenhauer has a very clear and plausible answer: location in space and time.
(14) The Liberal Democrats might wake up, go out and at last find a plausible candidate for prime minister.
(15) In the present state of our knowledge delle Vida's argument is plausible but not decisive.
(16) Of course, he's horribly plausible and a formidable election campaigner.
(17) The conclusion must be reached that it is bad management on your part unless there is some other more plausible reason.
(18) There is a plausible argument for the respondent on the following lines.
(19) The only plausible reason appears to lie in the quantity of kebabs which are prepared here each day.
(20) In every case they are very plausible and gain the confidence of a trusting generation.