TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6
And I've got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.
(1) (folklore
(2) Creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas
(3) (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous
(4) Creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers
(5) Of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas
(6) Fairy
(1) Do you think she should grow out her hair or keep her pixie?
(2) Kids simply have to dress up as a fairy or a pixie and two winners will be picked after the show.
(3) The nature of sprites and pixies was a very innocent one, more attune to that of children than creatures of magic.
(4) I'm a lot more interested in the time tree model where we are just a single growing and evolving organism, with no dependency on aliens or magic pixies turning up further down the line with sweets if we do well for ourselves.
(5) Short and stocky, a shopworn wool sweater carelessly worn backwards on occasion, Bob displayed an almost pixyish quality that was only enhanced by his lilting, Gaelic turn of phrase and charming absent-mindedness.
(6) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I believe they are real pixies , and if I what I believe is true, this is not good,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(7) Instead of the crass commercialism shoveled at us come Christmastime, we get to dress up as brain-eating ghouls and sexy pixies .
(8) These people are living in a fantasy world, with fairies and pixies .
(9) In folklore, pixies play cheeky tricks on humans; they are annoying perhaps, but ultimately harmless.
(10) They speak of pixies and fairies of indescribable beauty, who ensnare the heart of innocent lads.
(11) A mate of mine, who is known as the Halloween Man, invites friends in to see his pixies (he has 15, don't ask me where from) and gives them pumpkin pie.
(12) The vocals are shared alternately between the two singers; both sound like fragile pixies , trapped in a lyrical world of jealous lovers and murderous intent.
(13) Not only is there the day to day running of your farm, but there's a bizarre subplot involving pixies who give you magic farming tools in return for giant mushrooms and such.
(14) She was very cute, with an almost pixyish face and a mischievous smile evident even while she slept.
(15) Passengers join Santa and all his pixies and elves for a one hour steam train journey through Bronte Country.
(16) It's very clever for a story that's set in a parallel dimension inhabited by elves, pixies , unicorns and griffins!
(17) For a start, it is in a little house in the woodland beside the hotel, leading me to suspect that the staff would be elves and pixies .
(18) She is now more pixieish than kittenish, which is part of what makes her so annoying.
(19) I did however go for quite a long riverside walk through areas of woodland where on a sunny day like this you could almost believe there'd be fairies and pixies scampering about playfully.
(20) I see myself in one sense as a zoo of conflicting desires each trying to clamour for my attention like a class of noisy children or a swarm of irritating pixies - you have to decide who to listen to and who to ignore.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6
And I've got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.