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English to Bangla Meaning of pinprick - সামান্য খোঁচা

Definitions of pinprick in English


(1) A minor annoyance,small puncture (as if made by a pin)

(2) A minor annoyance

(3) Small puncture (as if made by a pin)

Examples of pinprick in English

(1) Each pinprick lasts barely three seconds, and is slightly uncomfortable rather than painful, especially on the forehead, where the skin is very thin.

(2) It means patients can get an accurate reading on the day of their clinic appointment and, instead of having to take blood from a vein, patients only have to undergo a pinprick using the new machine.

(3) Compared with the indignities he had so far endured, this was a mere pinprick

(4) On Jupiter, it blows material clear out of the atmosphere but is nevertheless a mere pinprick to the giant planet.

(5) Last night a senior air force officer described the bombing of the sites as a minor operation, a pinprick raid which accomplished what it set out to achieve.

(6) For the blood to be poisoned it takes only a pinprick

(7) Our economy is so huge that the scenes of destruction, awesome as they are, are only a pinprick .

(8) The first needle is pushed in gently and I am aware of a slight pinprick .

(9) Our selling point is that it requires only a tiny pinprick and it isn't as sore.

(10) But Anna believed the test, which uses the blood pinprick given to all babies, would have prevented Sonny becoming a financial burden on the health service.

(11) It was a minor pinprick in his side that his plan had not succeeded.

(12) The star can also feel a pinprick over most of his body and can distinguish between hot and cold, and sharp and dull sensations.

(13) And while Gammell's most recent find in India eases the pressure, it is a pinprick in terms of global needs.

(14) A rash which starts off as tiny red or purple pinpricks and may develop into bruises which do not fade when pressed with a glass.

(15) The country's leaders are worried the sporadic suicide bombings could be relative pinpricks leading up to terrorism on a much larger scale.

(16) But the IRA attacks, of course, were pinpricks compared to the atrocities of 11 September 2001.

(17) The stimuli included mechanical pinpricks , electrical stimuli, contact heat, and injection of a low-pH solution.

(18) She then pinpricks for 45 minutes, lulling most patients into such a state of relaxation that they are unaware of anything but the tiniest tingle.

(19) His condemnation of violence and wealth, of government repression and church hypocrisy, brought him administrative pinpricks and excommunication.

(20) Brand names take the place of skin - Diane pinpricks a drugged syringe into the foil cover of her competitor Karen's single-serve Evian cup as if it were flesh.

(21) It says: u2018The bubble didnae burstu2019 and so far, despite a couple of pinpricks , it is still intact.

(22) India cannot allow political pinpricks from its neighbours to come in the way of pursuing freer regional trade through unilateral action where necessary.

(23) Delicate folds, cuts and pinpricks , or lifts at the drawings' corners and the resulting shadows, are all experienced as major events.

(24) These tactics were often not much more than pinpricks ; more serious troubles could be brought on by traceable sabotage.

(25) The comment stung Winston's eyes with pinpricks of embarrassment, and he wanted to run until he couldn't see straight.

(26) Stork notes that pinpricks show that Jan van Eyck's 1432 portrait of Cardinal Albergati was magnified mechanically, with a proportional compass.

(27) Other ballots are more baffling: those with pinpricks across the portion of the card that does not match any contest in the ballot book.

(28) Harder than even the 4 inches of reinforced steel below it, it served to make Allied shells, even AP rounds, bounce off like pinpricks .

(29) These explorations are, however, mere pinpricks in the impervious hide of western culture.

(30) This process enables the donor to gift this precious platelet concentrate to a sick relative with just an hour of gazing absent-mindedly at the smiley blood drop and suffering little more than two pinpricks .

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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