(1) A person with mildly leftist political views
(1) He considers it self-evident: ‘Don't be such a leftist commie pinko !’
(2) The scourge of McCarthyism made everyone a believer for fear of being labeled a commie pinko .
(3) The film captures a sense of paranoia in America's newsrooms as McCarthy goes after anyone in politics, the military, entertainment or media who has even the remotest link with commies or inkling of being a pinko .
(4) The red hunt was misguided because the equation that came to define the McCarthy era (to be a liberal is to be a pinko is to be a red is to be a spy) was misguided.
(5) A bunch of pinko liberal vegetarians
(6) Fifty years ago, anyone who didn't conform to the prevailing right-wing agenda was labelled ‘commie, pinko , subversive.’
(7) A closet pinko
(8) I bet they were pinkos - or at least liberals.
(9) He loves baiting his opponents - remember his comments about ‘left-wing pinkoes ’ - but has never been afraid to stand up for his own political beliefs.
(10) I was one of the brave men and younger men who was in the trenches of Grenada, sucking up mustard gas grenades that the lazy pinkos were tossing at us for 58 days straight.
(11) His famous dismissal of ‘left-wing pinkoes ’ was at the same time a declaration of where Smith himself stood.
(12) Consumer advocate groups - and other left-wing commie pinkos - are encouraging Americans to stay away from the malls and liquor stores.
(13) The Western media are never targeted because they are lefty pinkos who do the terrorists' job for them.
(14) They definitely are a bunch of pinkos on these sorts of issues.
(15) The leftie pinkos were on hand to try and spoil the party.
(16) To increase taxes now would be to raise the white flag and surrender to the poverty lobby and the liberal lefties and pinkos in the media.
(17) Lately, the liberals and pinkos among them love us for telling it like we saw it in Gujarat.
(18) Only pinkoes and liberals, they said, would slap down $9 to see a documentary film.
(19) The commies and pinkos are raising a hue and cry over this matter.
(20) In days gone by, marching against war was generally seen as something that lefties, peaceniks and pinkos did.
(21) Now, come on - even all you pinkos have to admit that this is quite witty.
(22) And despite of what you pinkos thought, I thought he was a great president!