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English to Bangla Meaning of phrase - ফ্রেজ

ভাষার প্ৰকাশভঙ্গি বা বাগবৈশিষ্ট



বাক্য, বুলি


আখ্যাত করা, ভাষায় প্রকাশ করা, ভাষায় ব্যক্ত করা

Definitions of phrase in English


(1) An expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb,a short musical passage,an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from themeanings of the words that make it up,group of words; way of speaking

(2) An expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb

(3) A short musical passage

(4) An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from themeanings of the words that make it up

(5) Group of words; way of speaking


(1) Put into words or an expression,express in words carefully

(2) Put into words or an expression

(3) Express in words carefully

Examples of phrase in English

(1) Soames looked him up and down before dismissing him with a pithy phrase from a great wartime leader.

(2) Selim Palmgren's works for solo piano evoke a similar atmosphere, and somehow Finnish pianists understand perfectly how to phrase his music.

(3) You can assess how much expression to give, and how to phrase the music in the absence of score markings.

(4) His favourite phrase is u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510it's a pleasureu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb

(5) Speculation is rife as to how Chen will phrase his words May 20 in a bid to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510square the circleu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of trying to keep China happy and at the same time not budging on the sovereignty issue.

(6) It is my fault, I did not phrase the question correctly.

(7) A note, a phrase , or a section of music has embodied meaning, because it points to and makes us expect another musical (not extramusical) event.

(8) It's obligatory to have either a direct object or a preposition phrase with u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510foru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.

(9) It's important to phrase the question correctly

(10) Though it may have been somewhat culturally insensitive or politically incorrect to use the phrase , the expression won't qualify as a racist slur.

(11) Points will be awarded for two things: how obscure the connection is and how unusual the word or phrase you searched for is.

(12) But you have tried to phrase your words in a more pleasant tone.

(13) Infra dig is short for the Latin phrase infra dignitatem which means beneath one's dignity.

(14) At the end of it all are words, pure and simple - and how you phrase those words and get across what you're saying is the most important thing.

(15) Breathe naturally, lout slowly, silently repeating your focus word or phrase every time you exhale.

(16) And the connection is a pithy phrase of Deputy Noonan's dating back to the 1987 election campaign.

(17) His efforts in producing the polished phrase , the pithy retort are far greater than his efforts to tell a fascinating story clearly and concisely.

(18) Don't forget to include the word or phrase you'd like to appear in the winning story.

(19) His favorite phrase is u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00fait's a pleasure.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00ff

(20) It was just that no one was willing to replace a pithy phrase with either an ugly acronym or a yawn-inducing mouthful.

synonyms of phrase


group of words




turn of phrase


idiomatic expression




put into words









TV series example of the word

Interesting. Do you know where
the phrase "jibber jabber" comes from?

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 23

Interesting. Do you know where the phrase "jibber jabber" comes from?

That was the phrase my sponsor
used to use with me...

Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 11

That was the phrase my sponsor used to use with me...

Phrase it however you want. Okay?
You're jumping ahead. Now--

Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 4

Phrase it however you want. Okay? You're jumping ahead. Now--

And of course,
you have also heard the phrase,

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 6

And of course, you have also heard the phrase,

I believe the phrase
"fuck the king" was uttered.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 6

I believe the phrase "fuck the king" was uttered.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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