(1) A photocopy made on a Photostat machine,a duplicating machine that makes quick positive or negativecopies directly on the surface of prepared paper
(2) A photocopy made on a Photostat machine
(3) A duplicating machine that makes quick positive or negativecopies directly on the surface of prepared paper
(1) Make a copy by means of a Photostat device
(1) Moreover, this player lent Nicky his driving-licence, and Nicky enclosed a photostat of it to back up his story.
(2) At one point, a character in 2085 wants to look up a newspaper article from 1938; she calls the operator and has a photostat in her hands within a few minutes.
(3) If it's an article then we just photostat it and send it to the library.
(4) He refused to let me photostat the book
(5) The first bootleg fake books, photostat collections of Tune-Dex cards, were published in 1949.
(6) The print on some of the photostat and carbon copy sheets has faded and these items are particularly flimsy.
(7) But for the front cover, the head of his Superman figure was replaced with an old Curt Swan photostat .
(8) Exhibit 1, a photostat of these items, indicates that these are the items found in the garage.
(9) So, I decided to photostat it with correct dates, but I didn't think the school would accept that.
(10) On receipt of this letter I wrote to Dr. Bhagavantham, enclosing a photostat copy of Mr. Shoji Hattori's letter.
(11) The book twice quotes Dan Rather's embarrassingly over-conclusory statement in the late hours of election night: u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Sip it, savor it, cup it, photostat it, underline it in red, press it in a book, put it in an album, hang it on the wall.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) What appeared to be the ink drum of a broken photostat machine rolled across the floor and glass crunched underfoot as Sizani and his entourage stepped over pieces of overhead projectors.
(13) He caught a glimpse of the heading on the photostat in her hand, still moist from the wall-receiver: Ministry of Population.
(14) It is a matter of speculation who it was that obtained the draft advice or a photostat of it.
(15) The block which housed office equipment, photostat and fax machine, typewriters, a book depositor which stored text-books and stationery, furniture, science kit and other valuable equipment was burned to the ground.
(16) It was certainly not a typewriter, let alone a photostat machine.
(17) Later, he dispensed with objects and photographs and concentrated on language itself, enlarging words and their dictionary definitions in black-and-white photostats .
(18) I also enclose two photostatic copies of portions of these messages which were also given me by Mr. Hoppenot.
(19) Anyone caught copying a DVD, distributing software to aid in the copying of DVDs, or photostatting the label on a DVD will be hanged by their thumbs and forced to watch Britney Spears videos.
(20) I can only invite readers to write in their queries and I will do my best to answer, possibly by photostats from some better informed writers.