বিতৃষ্ণা, ঘৃণা, আতঙ্ক
(1) An anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations,fear
(2) An anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations
(3) Fear
(1) A phobia of germs
(2) He had a phobia about being under water
(3) Phobia of spiders
(4) Jane is one of thousands in this country who suffer from a phobia or obsessive compulsive disorder.
(5) A snake phobia
(6) A phobia is an irrational, uncontrollable fear of a specific object or situation.
(7) To have a phobia about sth
(8) She suffered from a phobia about birds
(9) Fears and phobias and creative blocks spring to my mind.
(10) And because those thoughts are at the forefront of our minds, we forget to act on the other fears and phobias that need release.
(11) Sharron developed several phobias including claustrophobia and a feeling of uncleanliness no matter how often she washed.
(12) At this time, the patient is open to suggestion, and can be desensitised towards fears, phobias , pain and personal issues.
(13) As for society, it needs to confront its petty phobias , paranoid fears and recognize the self in the other.
(14) Certainly, an excessive capacity for fear leads to all sorts of problems that many people would dearly love to be free of, such as phobias and panic attacks.
(15) Do you treat social phobias the same way you treat the other phobias , like a fear of heights, for example?
(16) No matter how big or brave some of us appear to be, we all have our secret fears; phobias which reduce us to babbling physical wrecks.
(17) Benumbed fear often turns into panic, phobias , irrational prejudice, and violence.
(18) It accounts for most of our fears, even our likes and dislikes, and phobias .
(19) She and I share a lot of the same fears and phobias .
(20) The danger is that once people are given the label of a phobic, they may be seen as identical to other phobic patients and important details about their phobia and personal responses to it may be ignored.
irrational fear
obsessive fear