TV series example of the word

Westworld Season 2, Episode 3
as gently as with the petal of a rose.
পাপড়ি, দল, পুষ্পদল, পুষ্পপত্র
(1) Part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored
(1) Rose petal
(2) The differentiated epidermal cells toward the base of the petal are large and elongated, having extremely large nuclei.
(3) Even the number of petals on a flower can change after leaf removal.
(4) In the third whorl the stamens have petaloid cells on their filaments and no homeotic transformation is observed.
(5) The two adaxial sepals are formed in succession, and the two abaxial petals become visible.
(6) Flower petals were thrown from the rooftops and everyone cheered for the soldiers.
(7) Another good idea was Euphorbia - garden varieties are grown not for the flowers, but for the attractive petallike bracts that surround them.
(8) A floral meristem gives rise in sequence to sepals, petals , stamens, and carpels.
(9) In several species the flowers never close, as the petals abscise when the flower is still open.
(10) The groom's brother douses the newlyweds with flower petals at the end of the ceremony.
(11) Inside, bright streamers dangled form the ceiling as flower petals decorated the floor.
(12) Its yellow flowers with sharply reflexed petals have many black speckles.
(13) Flowers of Nigella have a conspicuous perianth, differentiated into an outer whorl of five white, petaloid sepals and an inner whorl of eight, stalked nectaries.
(14) You just need a couple of roses, which give about ten petals per flower.
(15) The blossoms vary in shape from simple open bowls to flowers with exquisitely recurved petals .
(16) It is a family of predominantly annual and perennial herbs with a semi-succulent habitus, which can be easily distinguished from other balsaminoids by its zygomorphic flowers with a spurred petaloid sepal.
(17) In these flowers, the anthers are attached to the petals by short filaments half way down the corolla tube.
(18) They accepted the obeisance when temple priests showered flower petals on them.
(19) In the flower type with attractive petals , the insects are trapped almost immediately.
(20) Within a given species it is possible to predict exactly when a bud will open and how rapidly the petals will senesce.
flower petal
Westworld Season 2, Episode 3
as gently as with the petal of a rose.