দণ্ডদায়ক, দণ্ডনীয়, দণ্ডসংক্রান্ত, দণ্ডকার্যে ব্যবহৃত, দণ্ডযুক্ত, ফৌজদারি
(1) Of or relating to punishment,serving as or designed to impose punishment,subject to punishment by law,disciplinary
(2) Of or relating to punishment
(3) Serving as or designed to impose punishment
(4) Subject to punishment by law
(5) Disciplinary
(1) The power of the court to discharge an order giving permission to proceed, made on an application without notice to the other side, on the ground of non-disclosure, is a disciplinary, indeed penal , jurisdiction.
(2) Institutional racism dogs educational, legal and penal systems on all continents.
(3) In the same way that hospitals are the acute end of the healthcare system, prisons should be the acute end of the penal system.
(4) A fabulously expensive and enormous penal system whose rapidly mounting social costs will be borne, ultimately, by every woman, man, and child in the country.
(5) Can you imagine, for example, the crisis that would be created within our penal system if lifers were never to have hope of changed circumstances?
(6) Concerned with the increase in violent crimes in the last decades of the twentieth century, many people are demanding a stricter police control and reforms in the penal system which would extend the time of incarceration.
(7) A spate of prison suicides has highlighted the terrible state of Britain's penal system.
(8) Quite frankly, I am of the view that you will be able to better deal with those mental health issues in the provincial penal system as opposed to the federal penal system.
(9) Any transformation of the penal system must start with the redesign of prison buildings.
(10) Granted, prison is a place for punishment, but our penal system seems to be committing worse crimes than most of the people who are in jail.
(11) Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.
(12) The Court drew a distinction between the retroactive effect of penal provisions and retroactive effect outside the criminal sphere.
(13) More than 90 countries worldwide have abolished corporal punishment in schools and penal systems for youth.
(14) In each case it can be noted that the classification certificate is concerned with the act of supply whereas the penal enforcement extends, in addition, to the act of offering to supply.
(15) Humane and rational reform of the penal system is needed urgently.
(16) It is far too late for us to start thinking about rehabilitation as the primary objective of our penal system once young offenders have been through this useless youth justice system, but that is exactly what we have done.
(17) It is trite law that, in general, foreign penal acts of a confiscatory nature are not recognised in England.
(18) Thus the basic principle ought to be the harm principle: the reduction of harm to others is always a good reason in support of penal legislation.
(19) Those people wanted punishment to be brought back into the penal system, but what has happened?
(20) First, from the point of view of the advocate the jurisdiction is penal .