(2) Only later was my smugness undercut by the notion that the fly, dropping slowly through the water, could be mistaken by an artless fish for a hatchery pellet .
(3) Indigestible materials like fur, feathers and insect exoskeletons, if swallowed, are regurgitated in a pellet .
(4) You know the experiment where the rats hit the bar for a food pellet ?
(5) Material was spun at 6000 rpm for 1 min to pellet nucleic acid, and supernatant was removed to a clean tube.
(6) Percent volume of a prey type in a fecal pellet was visually estimated to the nearest 5%.
(7) To give one example, a red pellet could contain substances such as potassium perchlorate and strontium carbonate, besides pitch as fuel and starch as binder.
(8) After an initial 10-min centrifugation to pellet cell debris, the samples were processed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
(9) These specialized fertilizers include compost and processed animal manure pellets .
(10) Imagine that the particle beam is like shot pellets fired from a shotgun shell.
(11) First, sea ice algae may be a preferred food resource for fecal pellet producers, such copepods or krill and those fecal pellets could rapidly transport sea ice algae to the sediments.
(12) As small as a quarter of a millimetre, the mites in themselves are harmless, but their excrement pellets can cause huge problems for asthma sufferers.
(13) The victim underwent surgery yesterday to remove four shotgun pellets from his arm and was too frightened of reprisals to talk about his experience.
(14) Interpretations of food sources of micronekton could be helped by analyzing their molts or fecal pellets , which responded faster to a new diet.
(15) In fact, the market in such goods had fallen dramatically at the delivery date and the buyer eventually bought the same goods from a third party for u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255130,000 and used the pellets for cattle food.
(16) Cell debris was pelleted by centrifugation and the supernatant was tested for protein induction.
(17) The data in Figure 1 indicate that food pellets maintained higher rates of lever pressing than did 0.15% saccharin.
(18) By contrast, several students produced medical certificates showing that they were injured by shotgun pellets .
(19) Builders working on the house discovered the damage and the shotgun pellets when they arrived on Monday morning.
(20) A specimen was found with aggregation of fecal pellets visible at the bottom of burrows.