(1) My feet hurt, I was drenched in sweat and I needed a pee like nobody's business.
(2) That's three nights running I've had to stumble down Cannon Street Road, humming madly to disguise my desperation for a pee .
(3) Thinking Astley wanted to be sick or take a pee , the manager obliged.
(4) I've had to steam clean the walls because they were brown with smoke and the place absolutely stank of pee .
(5) They usually fill this with stuff that looks like pee .
(6) After a mildly eventful dinner (dog pee , three-year-olds, chicken lasagne and the yes no game - that sort of thing) I went outside to move my car so they could get home.
(7) The odd thing, though, was that although there was an almost constant smell of downtown pee , I almost never saw anyone actually, well, doing it.
(8) I wandered over into the bushes to have a pee while Greg and Bianca waited at the roadside to flag down a taxi.
(9) Little boys occasionally take a pee when they can't contain themselves.
(10) Speeding through the city's deserted streets, I realised that I desperately needed to have a pee and pulled in, as I thought, to the side of the road.
(11) Consequently you end up with a load of unwanted, unnecessary tat like a novelty stand for your mobile phone, an after-shave that smells like cat pee , or a six-pack of socks in fluorescent, lime green.
(12) I'd got up, as you do, to have a pee , and the next thing I can recall I was lying on my bathroom floor rubbing my head and uttering profanities out loud.
(13) I switched the torch off, nipped outside for a pee and had a think.
(14) Public monuments from Brazil to Berlin have been eroded by pee .
(15) Anyway, about a half hour after eating I took a leak, and as expected, my pee smelled funny like it does every time I eat the stuff.
(16) On the frequent occasion that she's covered in pee and and Jon has to take a few extra minutes to change her clothes, I can wallpaper the living room and mow the lawn.
(17) The kids refused to use the bathroom, even my mother wouldn't take a pee on her own.
(18) She was bursting for a pee
(19) So today she said that Grant and Nathan said pee and poop, and the teacher was u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510very disappointed.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(20) The smell is an alluring combination of cat pee , ammonia, rotting dead animal, dirty socks and the smell you could expect about three or four hours after the church bean supper.