বিদ্যাবাগীশ, পাণ্ডিত্যাভিমানী, পণ্ডিতাভিমানী, স্কুল-শিক্ষক
(1) A person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit
(1) Publishing on-line without proofreading is probably not the greatest of sins, but for a grammar pedant such as I, it's pretty transgressive nonetheless.
(2) The questioner is shouted down, accused of being a grammatical pedant .
(3) The intrusive comma changes the sense, and gives the dedicated pedant a linguistic heart attack.
(4) If we're going to play the grammatical pedant , then let's be careful to get it right.
(5) They could easily go to sleep to the murmuring oohs and aahs of connoisseurs and pedants .
(6) To criticise animation for being too perfect may seem like pedantry and it's clear that a lot of work went into the film.
(7) I'm usually one of those u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510language is a living thingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb guys in these matters, laughing at the grammar pedants and vocabulary fascists.
(8) I like that sentence and I don't care what grammatical pedants think.
(9) No one makes fun of them for talking about adding mice to the cache, because only scholars and pedants remember the word's source.
(10) So scrupulous, and so close to perfect: that's the impression the reader is intended to glean from such exercises in pedantry .
(11) Donoghue's a true historian, whose period detail is exacting enough to please the most pedantic of pedants , while her style displays an intimacy with the past that's both unpretentious and modern.
(12) Some pedants do let their love for rules get in the way of free-flowing language.
(13) Suddenly, the grammar pedants were springing out of the woodwork from every direction and, whether we liked it or not, we were all being given lessons in how we should use our English.
(14) There is much pedantry , but every so often there is stark beauty.
(15) For too long, we linguistic pedants have cringed, watching this phrase used, misused, and abused, again, and again, and again.
(16) Muriel Gray may be wrong-headed at times and her sentence structure may offend grammatical pedants but at least she is thought - provoking and often entertaining.
(17) As a director, his perfectionism / pedantry would have tested the patience of any producer.
(18) Sometimes the corrections are amusing exercises in pedantry .